20% off at Lego for specific Star Wars sets, seems to be part of May the 4th promo sale, highlights would be new Darth Vader and Scout Trooper helmets, A-Wing UCS and Razor Crest
Darth Vader helmet for $69: https://www.target.com.au/p/lego-reg-star-wars-trade-darth-v…
Scout Trooper helmet for $69: https://www.target.com.au/p/lego-reg-star-wars-trade-scout-t…
UCS A-Wing Starfighter for $259: https://www.target.com.au/p/lego-reg-star-wars-trade-a-wing-…
Mandalorian Razor Crest for $159: https://www.target.com.au/p/lego-reg-star-wars-trade-mandalo…
Lol at the Darth Vader helmet pics:
"Makes a big visual impact in any room"
Guy puts it on the shelf in the shed
Hmm at first I thought it looked cool, on second look I decided it looks a bit much like a puppy dog face to me. Now I can't unsee that :p