Hi everyone,
I currently have a PC which I've had a custom built in 2013. I've made a few upgrades like a 250gb SSD and a GTX 1070 since. the CPU is an i5-4570 and its running off 8GB DDR3 ram
I'm looking at building a new PC which I've already purchased most parts for (https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/p3P7bh). All I need to buy is a new GPU, ram and a CPU fan (not a huge fan of using the stock). I'm currently sitting in the EVGA RTX 3070 Ultra queue at PLE for $999 (about half way in the queue after ordering about 1.5 weeks ago).
My original intention was to use the RTX 3070 in my new PC build and then just sell my existing PC as a whole. Now I'm having second thoughts, should I instead take the 1070 out of my current PC and use it in the new one until I wait for the GPU prices to come down? I.e. cancel my queue placement, run a 1070 in the build for maybe a 1yr+ until GPU prices return to normal and then upgrade (perhaps to a 6800xt if that becomes closer to the the $999 price point)
There may not be an obvious right answer and now probably wasn't the best time to build, but my current PC is aging.
Thanks for any comments
FYI- Playing on a 1440p, 144Hz monitor
If you're already in queue then you can certainly use your 1070 and swap; assuming you're not rushing to sell then that'll be an easy swap back in a few weeks, and sell whenever after that.
You'll probably get the same price for your 1070 as you would for the whole system!