Kahma Fitness has recently launched its mobile app (iOS & Android). It has various feature like videos, meal plans etc. Kahma Fitness app designed it that way so that you can do workout from home to lose-gain weight and build muscles. Here are plans details:
Yearly plan: $13.99/month after 30% discount.
Monthly plan: $19.99/month.
Once you buy membership, you can request for custom meal plans, video or any fitness related query from app.
Meal Plans: Veg, Vegan & Non-Veg (more coming soon).
Videos Section: Legs, Shoulder, Arms, Upper Back, Lower Back, Core and General Fitness.
Special videos for Pregnant Women in Pregnancy section.
Kahma Fitness: $167.88 per year
Centr by Chris Hemsworth: $119.99 per year