Plasma screen replacment

Does anyone know from experience the cost to replace a 50in cracked plasma screen?


    • thanks. looks like it will be an insurance claim.

      • Worth noting that IIRC insurance companies say the damage must be from the TV falling over etc, not from hand held objects striking the screen. I've heard of cases where 'accidental' damage has been declined from loose Wii controllers etc…food for thought! ;)

        • +1

          yep - ALWAYS use the wrist strap. lol

  • Who are IIRC?

    • +2

      IIrc = if I recall correctly

      • +1

        lol, that just shows my age!

        • +1

          It's actually quite understandable with the perpetual moving & shaking in the insurance industry. I suppose it's only a matter of time til those piranhas start stealing our net acronyms for their company logos!

  • i had a cracked plasma phoned the insurance company they said get a quote which cost $60. the quote was for $1200 then they take your excess out of that. they then asked me if i wanted it repaired i said no as i had already replaced it so they just credited the money to my account. All up about a 6 week process

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