India Gate Exotic Basmati Rice 5kg $10 @ Woolworths. Doesn't need more explanation.
India Gate Exotic Basmati Rice 5kg $10 @ Woolworths. Doesn't need more explanation.
Boom tish!
Cheap joke!
True do not use bottled water though…
Get well soon buddy! Hope you'll behave as a grown up soon.
how many are supporting me.
That's what people with low self esteem say…
(Psychology 101…)
@[Deactivated]: Think how negs became upvotes & upvotes became neg overnight.
That answers your question.
May be people with low self esteem begged for those.
Cheap joke!
Bargain website.
Great price. Would've definitely bought if I hadn't earlier in the past week when it was $12.
We got this at the last sale but wife said it's shit. Short grains and not good texture. I used to get the Taj one from woolworths that was great but don't think they have it any more 😔
We usually get Maharajah's Choice at Coles or Riviana at Woolies when they are half price.
You should try Indya Crown. Much better.
For better texture , try the golden sella variant from india gate. Also at woolies. Long grained and it always turns out really really well (compared to those that turn to mush) . It's great for cooking biryanis.
India Gate Classic is what you want. Its worth paying the premium.
Second that! India Gate classic is really good. Aged, long grain, fragrant. Enough said.
(India Gate Classic >> India Gate Premium, go figure!)
maybe you're not cooking the rice in a Tiger rice cooker ^_^
Tiger is ok, but Zojirushi is best.
Elephant Crew represent!
Soak the rice for 15 minutes before cooking. Makes a big difference in texture and grain size.
For a moment there I thought India Gate was someone taking the piss over the latest covid saga
Should post as a bargain also :)
how do eat these rices?
Thx, same price will give it a burl.
The advertised Alishaan special is not available in store or online to ACT residents.
Ran out of the beautiful India gate classic so tried this and it was not good.
India Gate Classic is the best stuff.
Get it indi-ya
Me, reading things too quickly:
'Indie Gala Exotic Basmati Rice, wait, what??'
Aged Basmati is always better. This is still a good deal though
Thanks mate I feel beter after your post. Because of this thread, I had buyers remorse because i bought a bag yesterday, due to previous threads recommended India Gate.
i bought a bag yesterday
Pretty sure by 'aged', DBBROS means more than one day…
The bag "India Gate Exotic", has clearly written the words "Aged rice" and describes their aging process.
We need a base line when comparing rice. The base line should be the all familiar and boring domestic long grain rice, i.e. uncle bens or sunrice.
How is following rice brands with the above way of descibing:
1) Maharajas 5kg
2) Rivians 5kg
3) Alishaan 5kg
4) India Gate Premium
5) India Gate Exotic
^) India Gate Golden Stella
6) Coles homebrand Jasmine
7) Wollies homebrand Jasmine
I can go first with my experince:
1) Maharajas 5kg: Light, fluffy, a hint of perfume in the background. Much better than standard long grain rice 3 out 5.
2) Rivianas 2kg: Longer grains, not so aromatic, firmer texture, and doesnt stick, great for biryanis. 4 out 5.
6) Coles homeband Jasmine: Ok, tiny perfume in the background. More aromatic than wollis homebrand though. Had better texture and stickiness than wollies. Overall a weak 3- out of 5. Barely pass
7) Wollies Homebrand Jasmine: No aromatic it at all. Dense and shorter grains. I would say this is the uncle bens version of jasmin rice. Boring and bland. It works if you need a more sticker rice than uncle bens long grain-type rice. 2- out of 5.
You're mixing up different strains of rice there. Basmati against Jasmine is like comparing white wine to a red.
Doesn't need more explanation.
It does. What's the regular price? How about putting "1/2 price" in the title?
You have been trained well Little Grasshopper…
Don't flatter yourself.
Flattery will get you nowhere…
Don't hit me with trishool 😜
I prefer the Kirkland basmati but it’s inconsistent. Some batches don’t need to be rinsed, others take ages to run clear.
I prefer the Kirkland basmati
Nah, it's inconsistent…
You can rely on it to be inconsistent.
So it's consistent.
others take ages to run clear.
just rinse 3 times and be done
I didn't know basmati rice varies so much in quality. There's an Indian place in Rockdale that had a sale for 5kg basmati for $8 from memory, but I didn't buy any.
What's the name of the place and what brand?
Sorry I don't know the brand. It didn't look like a fancy brand.
I believe the name of the supermarket is Patel supermarket, Rockdale Plaza (the first shop nearest Princes Hwy).
Hey, the brand is Fortune Everyday basmati rice (Purple packaging). But the price is $8.99.
Anyone tried Katoomba or Indya Crown? Both half price at my Coles
How much are they?
$10 and $10.50 respectively.
Indya Crown is very good. Much better than Rivianas or India Gate Exotic.
We stick to Indya Crown as our everyday rice.
We stick to Indya Crown as our everyday rice.
Good on you for sticking to rice that's non-sticky.
The easiest way to find out how good basmati rice is to ask your neighbours. That's right it should be so aromatic that your neighbours would know you are cooking rice today otherwise its not authentic stuff.
This is from decades of experience by the way.
India Gate Classic is what you want. Aged long grain Basmatti done right and cooks to perfection in a tiger rice cooker.
My local woolies runs out of them pretty quick - local grocery shops to be blamed
runs out of them pretty quick
how quick?
half a day quick
Aldi's long grain rice is the best we've come across. Never a gamble in the quality you'll get. I think it comes in 2kg packs and usual Aldi price value!
I only eat Australian grown rice. India too polluted.
You’d be surprised, Australian grown rice has higher arsenic levels. Also, basmati is unique in that it’s grown upstream in the Himalayan region where the water is pristine.
Look I am not biased in anyway, but the health gurus in youtube says rice from himalayas and thailand has low levels of arsenic and american ones have the highest. I havent heard anything about aussie rice thought.
If you want to take away 90-95% of the arsenic, then soak the rice in at least 24 hr in water. Change water is beneficial. Cook the rice like pasta.
If you are totally paranoid, then change the boiling water twice. Now you have taken away 99.65% of the arseinc. The rest is natural levels.
The Australian brown is $8/5kg this week.
Australian rice is like Uncle Bens rice. Bland, boring and adds nothing to the dish besides bulk. Maybe there is a good aussie brand i missed?
I have tried the Basmati Woolworths brand, it is quite good.
why when this unit is cheaper
This is a good deal for real….