• expired

50% off Microsoft 365 Personal $49.50 or Family $64.50 for 1st Year, 30% off Subsequent Years @ Microsoft (Valid Work Email Rqd)

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You'll need to use your work email to apply and your workplace needs to be enrolled in the Microsoft Home Use Program. Includes Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, OneNote, Access (PC Only) and Publisher (PC Only), plus 1TB per user OneDrive, and 60 minutes of Skype calling.

As mentioned by phidj003 below https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/10398182/redir you can also stack this. I bought 3 x Personal followed by 1 x Family, and I now have four years of Family for $213.

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closed Comments

  • +12

    Get a cheap Office 2019 key and save yourself from the obvious cash grab by Microsoft

    • +7

      challenge is to get cheap a legit one, I suppose

    • +17

      Dont forget the cloud storage. Office365 is basically about the cloud storage. $1 per month for 1 TB storage is a crazy good deal! ( Family subscription: $64.50/ 6 users / 12 months ~ $0.90 per month)

    • Yeah where can we get that key?

      • +1

        I got mine from ebay but there's these guys too

        • +1

          Is Ausgital real? (or did I miss an in joke or something)

          I can't find any reference to them anywhere online and their contact number is +212 … which if it's a country code is Moroccan.

          Google streetview of the address 3 or 22 Gorge Road Trevallyn in Tasmania isn't what I expect either

          Apologies to the vendors if it IS legit.

            • @redwiggle: The prices at Ausgital is pretty cheap, I'm inclined to try them out at those prices. Or am also missing something, like they're a scam?

              • +2

                @btchplzr: I've taken one for the team and have attempted a purchase with Ausgital. It's been 15 minutes and no email. Will update if I get anything at all…

                • @nekotali: Any update, and which software did you buy?

                  • @btchplzr: A code did actually come through 5 minutes after I purchased (it went to spam). It looks like a legitimate code but I've purchased for someone else, so will wait for them to activate it to see if it works (and continues to work for an extended period of time without getting cancelled).

                    EDIT: Bought Office 2019 (https://ausgital.com/product/microsoft-office-2019-professio…)

                  • @btchplzr: Had to do the installation code thing but otherwise seems to be working. Probably not terrible for $13.

              • @btchplzr: Yeah me too. I have pulled the trigger on them. Its via PayPal so shouldn't be an issue. I will update if its an issue.

                • @CricNix: UPDATE: Either I didn't click on the place order button or the order never went through. Trying to place it again but Paypal error coming up. Tried from 2 different systems. Not sure. Contacting them.

                  • @CricNix: ANOTHER UPDATE: Apparently not working on MAC. Have emailed them. Might have been a waste afterall :(

        • +1

          Worked for me.

          • @sid55: Most of these cheap options do work apparently until Microsoft cancels the licence for some reason. Which one did you buy?

            • @btchplzr: You can check the key using the command line running Ospp.vbs /dstatus. I had a post explaining in detail, but that deal ended up being removed so I can no longer see the post and don’t have the full details handy.

              Generally these keys work or if it doesn’t because the limit is reached or Microsoft cancels it then they provide a new one, but they are often Volume license keys or MSDN keys and not legal to use in this way. It isn’t possible to tell the difference without running the isopod.vbs command, which seems really stupid of Microsoft since they could stamp out a lot of this illegitimate activity by just making office clearly show the type of key it is using.

              If you care about this then don’t buy cheap keys or check them with the command line and demand a refund if it isn’t what was promised.

              You might also want to ask up front what sort of key it is (retail, volume or MSDN) and how it will show up in the ospp.vbs /dststus command so that you have clear grounds for a refund if it isn’t what you want.

        • will this also come with the one drive storage?

    • +14

      This is the opposite of a cash grab. It's a user grab. It's 6tb of storage for $64/year. Good luck finding that anywhere else. Let alone the office license on 5 devices per user, and always up to date. MS365 is an insanely cheap consumer product. Pretty much a no brainier.

      • +14

        It's not cheaper if you don't need the 6tb storage.

        I paid $19 for office 2019 via HUP which will be up to date for 3 years and useful for 6 (I'll probably stretch out to 9 given the $19 price is now dead). Much better than $300-450 you're suggesting. And the $19 used to (still does?) give me a pc AND laptop license too..

        You're totally right for certain people and I'm totally right for many others. But now you can see why some people would be peeved.

        • Horses for courses…. Next update is office 2021, mostly will cost you $29-$49 ? another 3 more years to go..

          • @dlovep: …No.

            They don't offer Office as a perpetual license through HUP anymore. That's the whole point of this convo……………………

            • @justtoreply: You 100% sure they wont offer……………………………… ?

              • +1

                @dlovep: 100%.

                They canned the perpetual versions in Jan 2019. I just scraped in because they cocked up and there was a loophole that allowed you to buy it.

    • I haven't used office for a long time, are you saying that office 2019 is a better/ cheaper option?

    • +1

      Excel on 365 has some newer functions 2019 doesn't have (e.g. XLOOKUP). I assume it'll be the same for the other products too.

      • +1

        Yeah this is such a stupid ass***k. I can't believe they did that.

        • Introduced new features?

          • @[Deactivated]: ..without putting the same excel functions into office 2019, thereby breaking compatibility with other excel users

            • @justtoreply: Then they’d be breaking compatibility between Office 2019 users pre and post update which seems worse to me.

              • @[Deactivated]: Office has had service packs for years..

                • +1

                  @justtoreply: Fair point. Guess they just make more cash this way. To be fair to them, the Office Insiders program on O365 does give them a pretty good way to roll out new features and patches without bugs over hitting commercial users

      • Also O365 has "Dictate" feature avail in Word etc but not avail in 2019.

  • +12

    Please bring back the old Microsoft Home Use Program :(

    • What benefits are better on the old Microsoft Home Use Program?

      • +3

        One single cost. Not yearly

        • The single cost without the cloud storage?

          • @audreamer: Wouldn't buying a cheap 2019 key and a cloud service subscription be way cheaper? Google drive is like $25 a year for 100gb isn't it? And you can save pictures or whatever else on the cloud too

            • @NuttyGoodness: 100gb really isn't much if you're backing up all docs and pictures. Even $90/year for 1tb (ignoring the other 5 users) is great value. Essentially replaces your pc/laptop backup.

              Unfortunately the hup is still fairly average. Can be had for cheaper on occasion, if you can be bothered finding the cheapest key every year or so.

          • @audreamer: Don't get me wrong, I have it, but some people don't prefer OneDrive over Google.

            For example, I like Google myself for photos etc. Much more seemless to me and more powerful than OneDrive.

            Plus you need family or friends to share 😁

            • @Encify: Good luck with Google photos after June.. lol

              • @bchliu: You talking about the 15gb cap for free users in June? If your already paying for cloud storage like the conversation implies, it won't affect him

              • @bchliu: Unless you have an original Google pixel. That remains unlimited

  • +13

    It used to be $16.50 for MS Office Professional for life (worth about $800).

    Then another $16.50 for Visio.

    Sorry but this subscription model sucks even at 50% off.

    • +4

      Any subscription model for software that doesn't need constant updates is trash

  • +8

    Oh.. MS HUP.. How far have you fallen??

    Used to be almost "giving" out full professional versions of perpetual licences at almost nothing ($5-10) for applications that usually cost up to $1200 (Visio Pro).

    Now.. Sigh.. laughable discount on Office 365 that is on par with Saveonit.com.au or Bing Lee when on special.

    • I understand the dislike of subscription vs perpetual, but if you accept the subscription version then the first year price is pretty good and is better than I've paid in the past from Bing Lee on special.

      • But then you're in the same boat in a years time. If you get a 2019 key now you don't have to worry about it anymore and you save money

      • +3

        You're not getting it. I personally endorse Office 365 (family) to all my friends - the cost of Onedrive is just unbeatable in most things and when you share it across 6 people, it doesn't even cost the cup of coffee per month.

        The problem is that HUP also offered MS Visio and MS Project - which are both essential tools to what I do. Each is $1000 for the pro licences.

        You don't get this on the O365 HUP and IT professionals are screwed without these tools. (I'm still using the older versions of this because I don't want to pay that much for it).

        Furthermore, when HUP model first went to O365, the initial pricing was literally $10 per year for Personal subscription. It's now $50.

        Re: Comparing to the SaveonIT and Bing Lee specials - these prices are ONLY for the first year. Subsequent years are only 30% off, which does work out to be very close to those specials. And you don't need a "Valid work email" to get this.

        I'm not going to be slack and downvote this deal. But honestly most people who use to enjoy the HUP benefits don't find this to be generous or even a deal in comparison to what it used to be, nor compared to similar deals that doesn't require you to work for an organisation that has MS Enterprise Licensing and offering HUP to their employees.

        • You can get Visio and Project on HUP, just not the subscription versions.

          It’s up to your HUP administrator to decide what is offered.

          • @adamu: not really up to HUP admin can decide, when there is no such option, there is nothing to decide…

  • +7

    Every time Microsoft 365 deal get posted there will always be a couple comments saying how shit this deal is and how the one off office 2019 were better , etc , etc, while totally disregarding the 6 X 1TB cloud storage that was also included. As if 6TB for sub $100 wasn't a deal lmao (If you're willing to maintain 6 outlook accounts).

    • +6

      But for those who don't need that much cloud storage it's a raw deal and those are probably the people saying those things

    • Obviously, it is also not a good deal for you either as you have not + voted it yet.

      • No I wouldn't use this deal

      • I don't have a valid work email or I'd already be topping up my subscription (currently ~1.3 years remaining) :P

    • +1

      I prefer the perpetual licence because it is once off and can be had less than $50 for MsOffice.

      As for the storage, if you have been taking advantage of promos and deals, getting 200gb is quite easy. There are also Google Drive and Dropbox too.

      But I do agree, eventually you will need it. Hopefully those days will never come lol.

  • +1

    I need more than 1TB cloud storage and tried different ways to buy cheap OneDrive, found some on Aliexpress but it is fake and shared drive. Does anyone know the best way to buy cheap OneDrive? Thanks

    At the moment, I subscribed using iTunes credits with 20% discounted cards I bought at supermarkets when they are on sale.

    • +2

      It's incredibly difficult to get extra storage without paying through the nose unfortunately.

      Best bet is to create another account for yourself, share the subscription with that new account, and then create a shared "dump" folder on that new account, and access that shared folder from your main account and push stuff over that way. It's not elegant, but works OK if you can use it as a "half cold" storage.

      • Thanks, I am doing this with my family member’s accounts.

    • +1

      Just get the family 365 sub and register all family members then share the drive folder?

      • This is what I am doing. I meant that I will have to use OneDrive for life, are there anyway to get a cheaper price for the subscription fee? Like this deal but I don’t have a valid work email.

        • +1

          There's ebay product key deal posted here in ozb time to time which is slightly cheaper than this. Stack 5 years when it shows up.

  • If I have an active subscription till next year will buying this be credited to my account on top of what I have? Mine is expiring next year, so will tbis add amother year?

    • +2

      Yes. You can stack subscription periods up to a maximum of 5 years total.

  • +1

    High chance if you’re eligible for the HUP program - If you don’t need the cloud storage you can just use your work email to login on your personal pc. Most will be able to register up to 4 devices using the work email (4 because the fifth is activated presumably on your work device)

    • No for me, Device admin doesn't allow non-soe devices to log in to work account or private account into work

  • great deal thanks op

  • +4

    I was able to stack four of these for $49.50 per year - so total of $198 across the next four years - now subscribed to Jun 2025, but then told me I couldn't subscribe any further.

    Thanks OP!

    • Backs up the comment from he3at above - looks like it can't extend beyond a total period of five years (so had to only get to 4 years 2 months on mine).

  • Thanks OP just bought for $64 😊

  • +5

    @ApuN Does buying 3 years of individual and 1 year of family actually give 4 years of family? That is an incredible deal by itself. Haven't read that elsewhere

    • Interested to hear if anyone else was able to do this also. Seems a bit too good to be true.

      • +1

        Just did it for 4 years without hiccups.

        • +8

          So you first bought 3 X individual and then bought a one year of family, and it gave you 4 years of family?

          I don't have a current subscription so wondering if 4 X individual and 1 X family might work for me.

          Edit - it did work. 5 years of family for $262.50. Wow.

      • +3

        Just did it
        Subscribed to Personal x4 @ $49.50 each (pay via paypal)
        Subscribed to Family x1 @ $64.50 (paypal blocked by last payment, but my CC worked fine)
        Now I have 5 years of Family MS365 paid $262.5

        Note: you have to pay one at a time, there is no 'shopping cart'

        Thanks OP, I've been thinking how to replace my Google Photos storage,
        Problem solved for the family!

    • +5

      @ApuN is a genius! That is exactly how it works!


      "Here's an example:

      Current subscription: You have 6 months left on your Microsoft 365 Personal subscription.

      New subscription: You buy a 12-month subscription to Microsoft 365 Family using the same Microsoft account as your Microsoft 365 Personal subscription.

      Result: Your subscription is converted to Microsoft 365 Family and will renew in 18 months, not 12."

      • Yeah I just found that too - that is crazy.

      • I already have family subscription. When I login I get to pick either family ($64.50) or personal ($49.50). If anyone could give me a help on;
        1. how to buy 3 x individual & 1 x family - do you keep adding 1 by 1 or is there an option to add 3 x into the card in one go?
        2. When I select individual it says 'it is only $15 more for family', does it mean that I won't be able to buy individual subscriptions first and then family to convert all to family (may be because I already have family subscription this may not work??)

        • I'm in the same boat,like to know as well.

          • +5

            @DannytheMan: I didn't bother trying. Simply stacked Family plans to my already existing Family plan.

            FYI - Have to buy one at a time and then repeat the process.

            Now stacked till 09/2025. :)

          • +2


            1. You have to add one by one.
            2. Everyone gets the $15 more for family message. I did not have a prior subscription so I don't know for sure but I think you could first downgrade to personal by buying 3 X individual and then make sure you buy the last one as family and it should upgrade you again
          • +2

            @DannytheMan: I had family plan paid up to 10/9/2022. Purchased 2 x personal & 1 x family. Now I got family plan until 10/9/25.

        • If you are already on Family and you add on a 1 year Personal code, your Family subscription will be extended by 9 months.

          • @unicorse: Not quite. Please check my other comment above.

            • @Rimus: That's more generous of Microsoft than I was expecting. They used to only give 9 months… at least that's what I got when I was stacking codes some time back (when the product was still called "Office 365 Home/Personal".)

              Microsoft's own doco are unclear, only stating:

              If you use a Microsoft 365 Personal product key to renew, and you currently have aMicrosoft 365 Family subscription, you'll be offered a choice to stay with Microsoft 365 Family subscription and receive less than a year of subscription benefits, since Microsoft 365 Family costs more, or you can switch to Microsoft 365 Personal.

      • +1

        x3 Personal and x1 Family.

        Thanks for confirming your success. Convinced me to give it a go!

        • Same for me. Was already subscribed on Family till June 2021. 3x personal and 1 family purchased. Now got family till June 2025. It will not let me buy another

  • +4

    Thanks OP, for posting this excellent deal! I am now subscribed on Microsoft 365 Family until 2026. 😊

    I kept using the same link to buy at 50% discount for the subsequent years. Not sure what 30% for subsequent years in the title means.

    • +2

      It is 50% if you stack up to 5 years up front before June 16th. Then after your stacked subscriptions expire they give you 30% off (as long as you don't let it lapse).

  • +1

    Thanks OP seems I am eligible through my UK University alumni address and also my current Australian University address (graduating this year). So just a heads up that it can work for current/former students who are not employees. Which is great because I need the personal cloud space and will likely need office soon too.

  • Does anyone have any idea to make the personal+family stacking works for existing family subscription? I assume that this deal is not the one in which you buy a voucher code?

    • +1

      No this deal is a direct subscription from Microsoft linked to your Microsoft account - no product keys or anything.

      I think you could first downgrade to personal by buying individual subscriptions and then upgrade again making sure the last one you buy (there is a 5 year cap on subscriptions including your existing one) is family.

      However I was not in the same situation so could not test it.

  • +2

    Give it a crack with https://www.cashrewards.com.au/microsoft-store … might get an extra $5.50 off each year. I clicked the Cashrewards link AFTER I was on the $49.50 Home User Program payment page, and the payment remained $49.50. Will report back. I brought 3x personal and 1x family with family activated for the entire period. Thanks op!

    • +1

      I can see Cashrewards lists $5.50 on the my tracking list.

    • +2

      FYI I did the cash reward link for all 3 purchases

      So have $16.50 pending, so 2years single + 1 year family to change all and then possible $16.50 back from cash rewards, pretty good deal.

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