Wow, eBay is giving us more surprises !!! The Plus membership is really paying off itself today.
Snag a free micro SD card (or anything thats < $26) but get in quick and keep it subtle ;)
Wow, eBay is giving us more surprises !!! The Plus membership is really paying off itself today.
Snag a free micro SD card (or anything thats < $26) but get in quick and keep it subtle ;)
Page seems to have disappeared. But managed to snag one. Doubt it’ll be honoured though.
Cheers, I don't even know what I'm going to do another MicroSD card
that's exactly what i was thinking but i got one anyway. Refresh the page after checkout and out of stock now.
I'd love one to try in my tv as a recorder. I'd get one, but I dont have eBay plus (and never been offered the free trial)..
You sign up, you don't get offered 😂😂😂😂
Yeah, but the free trial links say I'm not eligible. Tried the sign up with $50 credit as well. No dice. Need to start a new account (but will lose all my feedback). So if someone got a SDCard for the sake of it and don't want it. Send me a PM on how much you want for it. Cheers
I don't even know what I'm going to do another MicroSD card
Talk like that and your ozb membership will get revoked.
Hey if it is weighing you down too much I can help you shoulder some weight ;) lol jk
Wish I had plus but the reminder to cancel is what presses me. Literal dealbreaker for me can't be bothered to organise it I suppose maybe I should try give it a shot next year.
Got one, thanks op
Got one. Thanks..
Got one
Got one thanks.See if it’s honoured I guess!
Order's in, here we goooo
"or anything you want really"
Wait, I could have bought anything that was $26 and got it for free..? Lmao, I got this when I didn't even need it because I assumed it was only this item I could get for free.
Lol, same. But i guess I wouldn't even know what to buy so it would have gone to waste otherwise
fingers crossed
Thanks got one :-)
says 25.95 now
use code PLUSTUES for eBay plus members
Thanks op
Take $26 off the total amount.
I Bought a bottle of Chandon Brut Champagne Sparkling 750mL from Dan Murphy's ebay for $0.99
$26.99-$26= $0.99
Got something else this time. Thanks!
Anotha one
damn just missed
fffff Out of stock now
page is gone now xDDD
fk missed
I have 2 eBay plus account and got 2… Thanks OP
Ozb membership extended to 2023.
Missed it by seconds ugh.
Where are these deals listed? I couldn't see it on ebay homepage.
that's my thought too, but not much time to think about it. Buy first and check later haha
Thanks, had to pay 50 cents …
Thanks just got something for $3 :)
It works with any eBay plus items.
yup, confirmed. Thanks!
Just bought a J&J Citrus Press from Myer for $1.96!
is the code only single use?
also what is the maximum amount we can discount on any ebay plus item?
Single use, $26, think it’s already expired, too late lol
Just bought a pack of eneloops thanks op
I got the 64gb EVO PRO for $1.50
ebay plus membership is getting its worth now..
I got 64gb for free
Too late 128gb but got one 64gb. Thanks OP.
Got one. Thanks
Got 64gb but order not confirmed yet. Thanks
Got 128 and paid extra $.50
Anyone else having a meltdown trying to think of something to buy?
Yes, I am now making a wishlist so I know what to get next time.
Me too!!
Yes. And i missed despite seeing it pretty early. I had like 10 minutes to literally buy anything some for free. And i missed it now. I am an idiot
hahaha, I absolutely just went into panic mode
That's what i should have done. I had the slow cooker 5.5L in my cart for like 6 minutes. But i didnt order it. Now i wait for next slow/rice cooker sale
Op doesn’t have enough friends posted here lol
Thanks. Just got back from work so was late to the party. Got it for free.
God damn it I could've saved 50c
Got 1L of DeLonghi descaler for $2.68 :)
Ha – good to know. Will bear in mind
This code is working for everything on eBay for me, doesn't even have to be an eBay Plus item.
how often can the code be used?
singular use for me, code is no longer valid after my initial purchase.
Same. Better use it quickly
Thanks, I frantically panic-bought a $26.49 leather dog lead for 49c, just cause it was the first thing I could think of needing :-)
Funnily enough I looked for a dog harness because my last one I left out and the dog chewed it.
got a 126g for 3$ not too bad.. thanks alot
Quickly bought a bean bag chair before code is fixed. Can only be used once but I missed earlier code so better buy something than miss out again
Sold out.
When i first saw deal thought it was $0 for delivery so ignored initially but now realized my mistake
Says the code no longer works, for me
I thought it only applied to the 128gb and it was oos, and the 64gb wasn't that appealing.
code doesn’t work anymore?
Damnit, spent too long finding something that I would use, I have less junk now I guess…
ME LMAO, i could not find what to get lmao
NOOO i was too slow fml…
Damn, too slow…
Unfortunately, this code no longer works
check comments, other seller's item works too !!
I meant as in the code has expired while I was looking for things to buy under $26…
You Win the Internet today OP - thanks again!
So they're putting up codes to give discounts for certain items, but the codes actually work on anything, and then they take them down asap? Weird. 🤔
It is like First come first service…. Get it quick or you miss it.
cheers got the 64gb endurance for my cam
got message, unfortunately code does not work :(
Finally managed to score one although had to pay $2.95 for $28.95 128 gb Samsung Evo plus micro SD card.
But I guess better than nothing.
is it working just now?
not on my end
no ebay helped me get discount. (NOT NOW BUT A BIT BEFORE)
I was on the cart i had applied the voucher but the voucher give me $0 discount, had been charged in full
I knew this when i saw bank, So i went onto the website again and Kept getting error saying "YOU HAVE ALREADY USED THIS ON AN ORDER". (WHEN I never got any discount from the voucher applying itself)
Had to talk too much on eBay chat telling them the voucher wasnt applied properly by eBay, and wasnt my fault that voucher gave me $0.
It was way to weird.
I think i got lucky, but had to talk to eBay like for 2 hrs, dont think its worth 2 hrs honestly though.
Also i dont why but this same seller selling the same SAMSUNG 128 GB EVO card for $26.95, ( , and $28.95 which i bought. Hoping he'll refund me happily the $2 difference, he himself is selling at different price LOL for same item overcharging me
people might be able to claim price beat voucher too…
Mine has shipped.
Mine came in a Chinese packaging Model Number: MB-MC128H Model code MB-MC128HA/CN
mine is MB-MC128HA/EU
You're about as subtle like using a sledgehammer to swat a fly.