Winter is coming!
Want an upgrade to your RM Williams? Look no further, these will keep your feet toasty warm. A perfect set of boots to complement your Kathmandu down jacket. Ideal for the commute between your front door and your Porsche Cayenne.
Winter is coming!
Want an upgrade to your RM Williams? Look no further, these will keep your feet toasty warm. A perfect set of boots to complement your Kathmandu down jacket. Ideal for the commute between your front door and your Porsche Cayenne.
Those plebs flexing their North Face puffer jackets wont know what hit them.
they would
they could see it from a mile away
Dan Andrews always wears them must be good ?
Stairman Dan could probably use a pair of these to help him traverse his way up to his verandah.
This makes me sad.
Wonder how many years it'll be till anyone can safely travel to areas requiring proper mountaineering boots (NZ has awesome mountains but not a real need for rigid midsole boot).
Still useful for blue lake in kosi (although major overkill). Wear them in and use them down the track overseas.
Have you summited Mt Cook?
Mt cook is technically more difficult than Everest.
Do some practice there.
It’s cheaper though 😉
Way cheaper. I think Everest is nearing $100k.
I'm sorry Mt Cook has technical elements, but it is nowhere near as difficult as Everest mostly due to elevation.
I feel ya. Was supposed to climb Mt Lenin last year but that got cancelled.
All our mountaineering gear sits unused in the garage.
Do they come in toddler sizes?
Pity there is no interatiional travel .. these boots are a waste of money at the moment.
But gotta love the brand … my brand of choice for my next everest summit.
brand of choice for summiting Mt Druitt
I had to google … "Mount Druitt is at an elevation/altitude/height above sea level of 51.1 m above sea level."
Mt in name only. It's actually a hole. Boots would be handy to scale down its sides ;).
My brand of choice when drinking a Mount Franklin.
Don’t forget the active wear!
at least they'll stay on your feet, try that with a pair of Nike Tns / Max Tailwinds in that area and see how you go
"next Everest summit" #humblebrag
I am doing my next everest barefeet. Need to up the challenge from my previous few summit strolls.
I did my last everest naked, carrying weights and with no equipment. I'm doing Olympus Mons as soon as we can travel again.
I was carrying my three kids and mother in law, who initially only wanted to tag along. We slept in a shoebox. Every morning an unknown to me sherpa would slice us with a butter knife.
Say Hi to "Green Boots" for me!
If you are planning an everest summit, then you pre-plan and buy…….certainly wouldn't be a waste of money
i want these, but no size US14 :(
Thanks OP
Bought 10
someone says this on almost every deal .. it's not that funny.
It was funny - once upon a time.
The world was a different place back then.
How about price matching at office works then huh?
Maybe it is in eastern cultures.
Thanks OP
Bought 20
Now THAT'S funny!
who cares if someone says on every deal. Here, have an upvote cousin!
Thanks cuz
Thanks OP should serve me well on turn 6 at Phillip island
But what if I had a Range Rover?
Tempting, but I already have a pair of Sorell Caribous that I got for an absurdly good price.
Something not made in china finally
Where does it say that? I can't find where it's made.
The high end La Sportiva boots will be made in Italy.
But about 40% of their stuff is made in China and Vietnam.
I challenge you to find a product in this category that's made in china
Lol why are you challenging me? I'm simply asking where it's made. I wouldn't care if it was made in Mars.
comment was for DEvok
And for 1000 bucks a piece I believe it's made in Italy lol. They probably got like 30 different people hand stitching every piece.
i just imagine 30 people all sitting round with the "Italian hands" that was recently added to the emoji alphabet, holding needles and thread
Are these as good as the aldi ones?
La Sportiva …. say no more … one of the few brands that you would use for a serious summit attempt … (not this model for a +6000m summit though) …
Have a few pairs of these and they’re better than Jordans or yeezys. My mates compliment me every single time.
Helps scale Mt Everest?
Not this model .. maybe for a few hours past Base Camp and that's about it ..
totally not interested in these boots or mountaineering in general - but +1 for the description! :P
Danke but I prefer mein socks im Birkenstocks.
Is it any good? I wanted new shoes for my treadmill, when I set the incline to 7 it feels like climbing a mountain. Wondering if these would help?
Pairing these with anything from Kathmandu is an insult.
$499 would have looked more like a bargain but at $500, that's half a grand!
Welcome to the world of mountaineering equipment
Chuckles in thousands of dollars of mountaineering gear sitting in the spare room.
My wallet: I'm in danger
Not getting it might cost you an arm and a leg.
A frostbitten toe most likely
“It is not the most durable boot, so we recommend keeping it for snowy adventures and avoiding rough, rugged trails and too much rocky terrain.”
Also they weren't waterproof also!
wtf, 1000 bucks and its not even durable
Many thanks OP. I have been search everywhere for a pair of high performance mountaineering boots!!!
Now to find a mountain (or a hill) that I can actually climb …..
Now to find a mountain (or a hill)
You can start at rooty hill then make your up to mount druitt.
The way there might get dangerous not from the terrain but from the likelihood you might get shanked on the way there.
What are some nice mountaineering treks in Aus?
Purchased. Will use these for summiting Mount Dandenong this winter.
You need a dual boot for that?
At this price? Why don't you take a hike.
I need these in my home in canberra. The floor is so cold man.
Thanks op, bought a pair for my Kingdom Hearts cosplay
I suggest pairing it with this deal:
the $2000 softshell jacket then is only $1200, and the pants only $600. Perfect for the lift pass prices at Thredbo/Perisher etc this year, it'll only be about $2300 to get a set that will be the envy of every other Porsche 4WD owner at the chalet until the Lamborghini Urus owners turn up with whatever they've got direct from Milan this year
Can I use these for basketball? Look like fantastic ankle support. Won’t be my ankles broken when I hit with the, cross.
Gonna press x for doubt
Do you know how these boots work?
They are dual boots .. you put on a boot, then put the boot inside another boot … then you go and climb a 5500 to 6000m summit … I see that as being too heavy for basketball.
Except there will always be that one guy that would go. Challenge accepted. Just saying.
Thanks, this will go great with my MJ Bale suit, upper management will be so jealous.