Looking for a 2 cup moka pot to replace for a friend who has been using theirs without a handle (gas burner melted it when it was put on dry once).
They've been just grabbing it with a tea towel when it's done.
Thinking to get them a new one but they're not cheap(!!), and there's almost none going second hand that size.
Ideally Bialetti, but open to others with the same geometry. Moka pot only though, they already have an aeropress, a wacaco and a plunger :S this trumps apparently.
I've had Bialettis and cheaper copies. The copies are IMO good enough - I'm using one now. Don't get ones made of stainless with welded features such as handles as the welds break soon enough. Available at lots of homewares stores - a 6cup should be $20-25 and last for years, compared to well over twice that for a Bialetti which IME won't last any longer. I find after the seal the funnel gives way first and a Bialetti replacement is over $20 anyway.