Another life-time supply of condoms with a minimum order quantity of 2.
Same price at Chemist Warehouse. Cheaper with S&S.
Includes all other Durex 30 packs - Regular, Fetherlite and Pleasure Me.
Durex 30 Pack Condom Varieties $11.89 ($10.70 S&S, Minimum Quantity 2) + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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closed Comments
No XXXS :-(
Thanks god, I need some monster condoms for my magnum dong
Came here for the comments.
Bit of a let down thus far.
The comments are not so funny after all
thats what she said
It’s okay, one in five and all. Why do you think I’m also waiting for nasal spray to go on special
You ’Came' here….
Whats a condom?
will let you know once you old enough
A special tool for your tool
Something you’d never have to use at this rate
Can I used these as water balloons?
You can, but you get a letter from the Parent Teachers Association. :(
Speaking from experience?
Yes, Miss Jones doesn't speak to me anymore.
Lifetime supply?
Surely you can snag more than 60 in your lifetime?
Maybe go into politics! 😂
it is a lifetime supply when you are married. 🤣
That's not true. I bought a pack 30 years ago and I only have about 5 left. Running low
Anyone want to split an order, I'll struggle to use 30, no chance of using the 60………unless my partner leaves ;-)
damn. I thought I was the only one who has seen doms expiring on the shelf!
I am not alone!
Not when you work in parliament..more like 1 day supply..
Haha !!
If only they cared about the country as much as they cared about getting some
The same jokes.
Here for comment !!!
18+ warning
I like raw stuff
These OK for rear entry?
need more lub and foreplay
Anybody that orders max quantity of 3 and subscribes every 2 weeks, congrats (but you may need to seek medical attention)
Do I need Player 2 to use this?
You can do single player mode. Just put the condom on both heads. And play with yourself until you pass out.
Multiplayer anyone?
Insert coin
Commentary is a bit of a dead rubber today.
Ah yes. The secks. I do the secks everyday.
damn you guys have secks? can't relate
I came for the comments..
Then these will have you covered !
Heh. He came
This post will be popular in the ACT..
Does these have an expiry date?
What are you meant to do with the other 29 of them?
Just leave them on the shelf for the milkman. They'll be gone in no time.
Pressure me..Whats the PSI per use??
Thanks , 1 day supply sorted
just in time for WA lockdown
One a day keeps the doctor away
Are these machine washable? Asking for a friend.
Buying a condom would be counter-productive.
Just saying.Was here for the comments. What a let down
OP is not for Viagra.
Cheers OP bought some for the office
These are for storing milkshakes right?
Only here for the comments hahaha
Not many original ones, eh?
If nobody else is going to do it, I will.
I still have one left over from this deal:
If not I definitely would've jumped on this.
I lol'd
Just in time for mothers day
hmmm…risky click?
Can't be f@#d!