Fri 23 to Mon 26 April at all stores
Brown Onions 10c / KG
Brown Onions 10c / KG
Apologies if it's duplicate
Fri 23 to Mon 26 April at all stores
Brown Onions 10c / KG
Brown Onions 10c / KG
Apologies if it's duplicate
or 20ยข Magnum Brownies!
The misso bought a box of them (24 I think) for $8
Now they were good
They've had 29c Vegan Cornettos for ages, I keep laughing when I see them in Woolies for $6 for a box of four.
I'm personally partial to the Magnum brownies that they also have cheap. Prices vary between $29c and $79c.
Edit: Ahh bugger. That was meant to be a reply to @Drakesy, but we can't delete responses so I guess we'll live with it.
you can delete a comment. Just edit it, select all text and replace it with nothing other than the word 'delete'.
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Wonder if these are decent sized or like pickling onions. I weep uncontrollably when cutting onions so the less I have to peel / cut the better!
Previous deal I got in early and bought a a good 20 large onions (while they still had large ones) and spend an hour dicing them, putting them into vac seal bags and then freezing them - made future dinners a breeze!
The ones at Ellenbrook were huge - bigger than a naval orange.
carrots are 10c / kg too
bummer! thanks
imagine if your dad was an onion farmer.
he spends his life looking after his onions.
people use them all the time, basically in every single dish, but no one gives you credit as the most important farmer around.
one day spudshed starts selling your onions for 10c a kilo.
another day the PM comes and eats one raw.
poor dad.
I don't get it. Are people buying tens of kilos of onions in advance or something? Onions are so cheap already that you can't be saving even just the cost of the petrol to go pick some up unless you buy loads.
Still waiting for the return of the 20c gaytimes.