Last week I and my son (year 7) went to the Virtual Room in Sydney CBD ( for VR game which was given to play for an hour, and the experience was really good and beyond my expectation.
At first I thought that I might get dizzy wearing the VR headset for long but I was wrong, it was comfy and the interaction of the game & graphics were fantastic, and the hand held controllers were really intuitive too.
Got back home still thinking that if we have a similar device and play at home and we found Occulous 2 costing at $479.
I have PS4 Pro that I bought for my son last year which was hardly used. and have an extra controller, a couple of games on discs (spider-man and Gran Turismo Sport) and a few digital games, but my son doesn't seem interested in PS4 and instead he is playing PC games, like Roblox and Minecraft.
So I've talked to him if we can sell PS4 Pro and buy Occulous 2 instead, and he said it's ok.. Actually it was me who wanted to 'sell' PS4 that is just sitting on Tv cabinet, and I thought with that money we can buy Occulous 2 for similar experience we've had in the CBD.
So what do you think guys?
How much I could fetch if I sell PS4 pro.
and is Occulous 2 good and worth getting one?
Ps4 pro has ok resale due to ps5 shortage so i guess if you're not using it, sell it. It definitely won't appreciate.
Oculus quest 2 can be a little lacking since its dependant on the head set itself. For the money it is great. But compared to pc powered solutions there is definitely higher fidelity options.
If your budget is $500 only, you won't get better than quest 2.