United Frequent Flyer Miles

United have a deal on at the moment for cheaper than normal transfers of FF miles. I need about 30000 to top up to make a trip to the US to attend a conference related to a hobby of mine. If you have United miles (any qty considered) and don't think you'll use them then I'll pay the transfer fee. PM me please. Thank you.


  • Sorry, I think I'm incorrect about "cheaper than normal transfers of FF miles". They do have a deal on buying FF miles - 30% off. Regardless, the offer still stands.

  • Also, do you have an idea on how to obtain a small number of United FF miles at the lowest cost? (intention: to avoid the 18mth expiry for no activity)

  • I have on several occassions extended the expiry by making use of one of their award partners.

    Cheapest option is to hire a car for a day- can get price of $40 usually. Otherwise check their other award partners for either online stores or hotels.


  • MileagePlus Shopping is a launch pad for online shopping sites that allow earning miles on purchases.
    iTunes.com is a participating retailer.

    1) Start this plan early. It may take 6-8 weeks for the miles to be posted to your account.
    2) Pick a home address in a state without state sales tax (e.g. Oregon)
    3) Setup an iTunes account for the US store
    4) Login to iTunes via MileagePlus Shopping
    5) Buy something to receive 1 mile per $1 spent

    If your expiry date is very near, then consider purchasing miles to topup your balance. It takes 48 hours for the miles to be posted to your account.

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