I have a rather expensive item I want to sell on gumtree and a few interstate buyers are wanting me to ship it and seem kinda legit. Yes I know this can be an old scam and goes back for ages. Normally all classified deals I have done in the past on Ozb everyone is fine with F&F transfer, albeit max a few hundred, not over the $1k like this item. A guy has sent me a payment via PayPal but they have held payment and need me to put in tracking info before they release funds. Can they still just claim 'not working' when they receive it and PayPal comes after me for the money?
How Do I Not Get Scammed on PayPal Sales

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Not sure if I'd do it for that amount but I have insisted for a couple of sales they pay via the friends and family feature of Paypal. It's much harder to dispute as it's not supposed to be used for selling stuff so the usual buyer protection guarantee isn't in place. It probably is a breach of T&C though if you were to read them so use at your own risk.
I believe you could still lose money with F&F if the buyer did a chargeback. They couldn't make a habit of it as they'd get their account banned but with a $1k item could be worth the risk to someone. Bank transfer a bit safer I think
Nah, just sell to a local at Macca's…
Is that holding funds, a PayPal enforced thing? Or did the buyer put that caveat in?
Seems to be a paypal thing. PayPal are holding the funds (as well as taking a 'fee').
It is though I've also seen reports of scammers using it their advantage and sending a forged email stating the funds are on hold etc and will be released once tracking info is provided. In reality the email didn't come from Paypal. If you were to decide to go ahead, contact Paypal first and ensure it's legit.
Yeah I logged into PayPal to check and there is a section to enter tracking number and stuff in my PayPal acocunt.
Yes they can. In my experience paypal tend to side on buyers side.
Gumtree = cash only and ideally in a public place.
Don't do it. Give them a refund and let them know you've decided to sell it local cash in hand after all. If they choose to send it to you by bank transfer then great (but don't take a screenshot as proof!) otherwise just sell it locally. If you get a little less money then it is worth it as insurance against scammers.
It goes both ways. I would never transfer money to seller via bank. IF they scam, I have no protection.
Paypal at least have a formal protocol to deal with "not received" complaintPaypal is like a nice compromise.
To be honest you could send them anything in the post or put in any tracking number….
However this sounds more like a PayPal thing as you have not sold anything or much or have reached $1000 for the first time.
PayPal on Gumtree is 100% scam. PayPal is only good to use with retailers and eBay. No reason to use PayPal otherwise.
Not necessarily. I’ve bought low value ($200 less) items off gumtree via PayPal
Majority of transactions would be fine IMO
The one and only time I used COD was to buy a Goldfinger hack device for the PlayStation 1 online in the early 2000s. Might even be the late 90s.
Nice! Good times back then…
They could refuse delivery and leave you with paying postage both ways
Ask them for 10% prepayment to show they are bona fide and to cover such an event.
I never use paypal for gumtree, ever. I've nearly always done bank transfer but when they've not had peace of mind, I've just suggested that if they have anyone local, can they collect the item and pay on their behalf.
I would not accept money via PayPal. PayID and send after confirming funds are available if you're not doing cash. (profanity) Paypal
yeah don't go with paypal, even with friends and family they can dispute with credit card chargeback, non authorised use of account and all that crap
If sending spend $3.00 on Post signature required, if not OZ Post will leave it at the address then you have no recourse with Paypal.
Gumtree = cash on collection.
Not possible? Bank transfer then.
Nothing else worth the risk for a $1k item.