This was posted 13 years 1 month 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Dragon Age Origins: Ultimate + Dragon Age II $11.99 Digital Download (Requires Fake US Address)

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Saw this on Kotaku. Get a fake US address here:

Activates on Origin.

Also available for Mac:…

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon US

closed Comments

  • +4

    Should probably mention that it uses Origin. For some (me) this is a deal breaker.

    • Done.

    • Same for me as well. Was hoping it will be on steam.

    • Just curious and for those who have not used Origin before. What is wrong with Origin?

      • +1

        DRM I guess. Requires you to be online. Personally, I don't mind it.

        • I have a bad taste in my mouth from Origin from BF3 - firstly I have to use it to play as I have no steam client. Secondly I drop out of a lot of games due to "losing connection to the Origin server". Note it's not reporting a punkbuster error or a connection time out to the game server - it's an Origin error.
          Now I know my connection isn't perfect but I don't get this with my Steam games. I'm not likely to buy anything on Origin that I could possibly get though Steam.

        • @Elijha
          Agreed, Origin seriously sucks :|
          For BF3, it requires you to have it open, it also requires you to have a web-browser open (which glitches) as the server browser (no in-game server browser, say like ones used in CS 1.6/CS:S, L4D, L4D2)
          My chat in the always-open web browser ALWAYS delivers duplicate messages, someone types 'lol', it shows up as 6 'lol's.
          I freaking HATE Origin, spoils the BF3 experience.

        • +1

          And the fact it's still BETA software.

          And the fact it crashes, refuses to activate legitimate games, loses connection to EA servers, and has to run in the background all the time, even during offline/SP modes.

          I hated Origin right from the get go. Wouldn't let me activate BF3 for roughly two entire days after launch.

      • I don't really see nothing wrong with it, it's offline mode works better for me than Steam's (based on my experience).

      • Worked okay for me, but I don't particularly like DRM of any kind.

        • I don't mind DRM, I just hate the fact that Origin is buggy.

      • Well nothing, aside from this:

        "EA's Origin has recently come under criticism for deciding to share any and all available information they collect from users' PCs to third-party vendors, as long as they agree to install collect application.[25][26] The two specific sections of the EULA drawing criticism were sections 2 and 3.[25]

        Section 2 was interpreted to grant EA the right to log data on application usage, IP addresses, operating system usage, installation and removal of software, and usage of software and peripheral hardware.[27]

        Section 3 states that using the software allows EA to monitor user activity: “EA reserves the right to monitor communications on the Application and disclose any information EA deems necessary to (i) ensure your compliance with this License; (ii) satisfy any applicable law, regulation or legal process; (iii) protect the rights, property and interests of EA, its employees or the public. EA also reserves the right to edit, refuse to transfer and/or to remove any information or materials, in whole or in part, in EA’s sole discretion.”

        EA has also received criticism for a clause within the company's privacy policy, stating that "By accepting these terms, you and EA expressly waive the right to a trial by jury or to participate in a class action."

  • +2

    +1 just for directing me to this site

    So much fun.

    • Ditto.

      • LOL im a 56KG 65YO female 5' 3" (159 centimeters) "Mobile heavy equipment mechanic"
        guess there is no sanity check on the job link to person!

        would have though id be retired at this age, not working on mobile heavy equipment!

        Though i do look good for my age i guess!

  • +1

    I'm using the Las Vegas Hilton as my temporary home away from home when shopping for downloads from Amazon. It's quite nice, you're welcome to join me.

    • +2

      And yes, I got sucked into the fake name generator, only to become:

      Estelle M. Roessler
      1942 Jones Avenue
      Winston Salem, NC 27012
      Email Address:[email protected]
      Mother's Maiden name:Hicks
      Birthday:August 13, 1927 (84 years old)
      Visa:4916 2095 4137 3579
      Occupation:Store detective
      Company:Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour
      UPS Tracking Number:1Z 13F 299 76 6140 673 2
      Blood type:O+
      Weight:150.0 pounds (68.2 kilograms)
      Height:5' 3" (160 centimeters)

      I'm 84 years old, and still working as a store detective in an ice cream parlour! (And I thought Americans spelt it parlor?)

  • Is it still 11.99?
    I just got back from work and it is 40 something now.

    • +1

      Their new daily deal is now up - Medal of Honor $6.99 ($1.99 if you still have a voucher).

      Rest of the week will be:

      1/17 – Medal of Honor - $6.99 - $1.99 with $5 holiday promo code
      1/18 – Battlefield Bad Company 2 - $6.99 - $1.99 with $5 holiday promo code
      1/19 – Crysis Maximum - $7.49 - $2.49 with $5 holiday promo code
      1/20 – Bulletstorm - $6.99 - $1.99 with $5 holiday promo code
      1/21 – Crysis 2 - $9.99 - $4.99 with $5 holiday promo code

  • Aww, I missed the Dragon Age bundle then :(

  • Dragon Age Origins alone is worth $11.99! DA2 is horrible!

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