Have bought them from Forest Hill recently and a fruit shop at Eastland last year, but the tropical fruit seems very elusive and expensive this year, nearly double the price. There's a fruit shop online in Sydney that gets the Qld mangosteen but it doesn't ship to Melbourne. Any ideas? Willing to pay up to $40/kg.
Where Can I Get Fresh Mangosteen in Melbourne?

Found an ad here
I think I've seen them at green grocers (like Marketfresh) previously but they're expensive so don't pay attention if they're still available (if going out of season)
Your local green groccer. I got some from Thanh Thien Springvale Fresh Market last week but it was $40/kg. I have seen cheaper ones at other green groccers sometime back.
Thanks. Springvale just a tad far coming from the east.
In the rainforest
At the right time of year you can get them at the 'Vic Market' (the huge place that operates on an old burial ground in North Melbourne).
Thank you all for your suggestions. Managed to order online at Market Fresh Place.
Even aldi were selling it a while back
Oh really? Don't think I've been in an Aldi since pre covid
I got some at Coles about 4-6 weeks ago
Saw it on the weekend at Dandenong Plaza Market Place next to Coles for $34/kg. I'm guessing Fountain Gate Market Place most likely has em too.
Springvale vegetable shops usually have it.
Dandenong Market is frequent but sometimes they don't have it.
Thanks. Unfortunately this week is the end of the Qld mangosteen season.
Aren’t they a summer fruit, so they would be going out of season?