Looking for some recommendations and deals for standing desk (laptop usage is roughly 8hrs/day), something around 1200 W x 700 D.
Electric Standing Desk (Laptop Usage Daily ~8hrs)

Last edited 17/04/2021 - 19:22
Sorry for not being precise… I am after electric one which is something around 1200 W x 700 D.
Have a look @ https://isoking.com.au/
Also: Free Isoking Laptop Stand with all desk orders while stocks last.
Oh, er Electric?
There was a thread about this earlier, Ikea or something…Yes, that looks good.
There were other threads like:
but people want different sizes and colours etc.I'm might look at the Officeworks one myself at that price :+)
Don't get that shit, the motor is right in the middle and blocks your leg
I see that but what's the problem with motor I middle?
I have it but a bigger size, I'm happy with it but don't stand up often.
Me too. 1.5M. Hasn;t missed a beat.
Check out updowndesk, happy with the recent purchase, very fast delivery (I'm in Melbourne).
Been using their product for the past 2 years in the office (we bought the frame only and reuse office desktop). Since the recent lockdown, decided to re-decorate the study room and bought the bamboo updowndesk pro version
Great, how much was it and from where?
from omnidesk, it was on sale (and i got some add ons) think it was around $900 ish with shipping
Electric? Manual?
Big? Small?