<BEEP> movie but at this price, what does it matter? Hard to find a 3D Blu ray at this price.
mod - censored a word. OP meant the movie is awful
<BEEP> movie but at this price, what does it matter? Hard to find a 3D Blu ray at this price.
mod - censored a word. OP meant the movie is awful
One of the worst movies - ever. That said, it's miles ahead of The Last Airbender.
Most brutal destroying of one of the coolest TV shows ever.
worse than mega shark?
Amazon should have a clearance of 'these' movies and call it the Worlds Biggest Coaster Sale.
If it's a crap movie, why bother buying it? Just rent and it might be cheaper.
Properly 2hrs of ur life u spend regarding
The problem with renting is that you're paying for the content.
With movies like this, the only value is getting to keep the shiny blue disk.
Perfect first date movie :D Its so bad that chances of other amorous activities are more likely to happen ;D
I'll take 26 of them then.
I got a warning and suspension for swearing in a comment let alone a post so you might want to remove that.
And this is a "so bad it's good" movie, it's good, unclean fun.
its a bad 'so bad its good' movie
why, why , why?
Lol at title.
Is it worse than Beowolf? That tops my sh*t movie list
I liked Beowolf :(
A. It's 3D, thats cheap for a 3D movie.
B. It's way better than Shark Night 3D.
Wait, hold that thought. It says 2 pairs of glasses included ? Is this proper 3D TV 3D or is it the old red/blue glasses - What the !
And now i see
"Piranha 3D Blu-ray
United Kingdom
Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + Anaglyph 3D"
Its honestly the dregs, but its 3D and blueray for $7 I would buy it
I'm still waiting to get the 2 hours of my life I wasted watching this back :(.
Ashlynn Brooke is in it.. And all her other movies are amazing so I guess this will be too? :)
So is Gianna Michaels-parasailing chick ;)
TIL she retired
I happen to like this movie although Christopher Lloyd wasn't in it long enough :( I can't wait for Piranha 3DD!
I enjoyed it….
Didnt they leave the door open for a sequel?
And Riley Steele had a bigger role than Ashlynn.
Its one of those "So bad its good" sort of movies - the tip is to not take it seriously & just have fun. Also ftr its miles ahead of 'Shark Night' which is simply awful thanks to its PG rating
It was one of my favorite films of 2010 actually. The people making the film knew exactly what they were aiming it and hit that B grade "so bad it's good" mark pretty much spot on. It was never trying to be anything but silly, theres even a few behind the scenes like clips that further illustrate that out there.
That said, I own it and it works better in 3D as it adds to the stupidity of the whole thing (3D breasts etc), and while I've watched it a few times now, it loses a bit of the charm on the second viewing for obvious reasons.
This comment just made all the males sit up and take notice. 3D boobs LOL, but never as good second or third time around.
3D Breast now we are talking a bargain. should put that in the description.
I'm sure ozbargainers can think of much better ways of spending $6.70…
I'm sure ozbargainers could get a ream of Reflex, a toothpaste squeezer, a SD card, a Logitech item, a carton of wine, $50 worth of Milo plus an iOS game for less than that total.
with the exception of the milo i agree.
and if you do have the milo deal, link please!!!
It wasn't that good wasn't that bad.
"Shitful movie but at this price, what does it matter?" if the movie is that crap i have an even better bargain, $0 and you save yourself 2 hours of your time, it THAT worth it? lol!
ps i suppose if you needed a 3d movie to test a new 3D bd player/tv you could get this, or you could always borrow a disc from a friend or get a rental for less
pps, "jawsome", hmm, where did i see that before? oh yes, that manchew toy giveaway from last year! someone will be getting a "cease and desist" letter from their lawyer!
Regarding the Jawsome comment, this movie plus the dvd/blu-ray copies came out in 2010 (http://www.horrorhr.com/piranha-3d-je-jawsome/). I doubt its a trademarked term anyway so it's probably fair game.
Awesome movie, great deal. Next you will say Machete was no good.
I actually didn't mind this movie, Kelly Brooks tits may have had something to do with it
Thats what i was trying to remember. Not just tits - Full body!
You can also get it from Zaavi for around the same price:
Purchased it from there instead as I also ordered some games from their "Mega Monday" sale.
Is it the uncut version? There was a lot of (gory) content missing when I saw this in Australia, which hardly made it worth watching… But, after watching it again with a friend in the US, I suddenly really liked the movie! The B grade is so much more fun when you get all the gory detail! :p
This movie doesnt pretend to be anything its not, and that's why its good.
Lots of gore, lots of boobs, terrible story line, terrible overacting…. but that's why its fun!
And in 3D to boot!
For a $7 3D D-grade movie, why the hell not :).
Plus vote for the silicon boob implants floating in the water and chopped off penis being regurgitated by a piranha. This movie definitely doesnt take itself seriously, and that's why it's good. Bad good :).
Can't be any worse than than tankgirl…worst movie ever imo
One of the worst movies I have watched for some time.. but at this price might as well give it to someone who really gets off on tv boobs as a present..
Like me? Lol
Geesus a lot of self indulgent film tossers here.
Especially for a fun flick that delivers cheap laughs.
Not every flick HAS to be Citizen Kane.
On that note, it actually did very well over at Rotten Tomato if you ask me
I LOVED this movie, took my wife to watch it with me at the cinema… she didn't care for it much. I must have cried out "boobies!" a dozen times, and laughed cruedly out loud and fist pumped many times.
Ignore the haters, enjoy the popcorn flick, it doesn't pretend; which is why I love it so!
Sounds like a special night ;)
Meh, the novel was better.
lots of boobs in this movie
He meant 'fish'. It was a freudian slip.
this movie is dope
Take it for what it is, it's a very funny movie, actually one of my favourites from last year.
To be honest I didn't like it much.
That being said, it's far more than b-grade: it's a deliberate homage to almost everything that is b-grade horror. Many loved it because they recognised the references/style - they understood what the filmakers set out to achieve for b-grade cultists. The movie was meant to be one big in-joke for fans of the genre.
I got a lot of the references, but not being a b-grade fan, just thought it kinda sucked in a not-funny, not-fun, not-scary way.
I loved this movie and I am female;)
Rule 30. There are no girls on the Internet.
Will this movie work on non-3D TV's???
Only the standard (non-3D) and anaglyph version (with the red/blue glasses, incl.)
I.e. if you want to watch it in full Blu-Ray 3D you'll need a 3D TV.
Incase MattyD's answer isn't clear enough, all the 3D films I've viewed on my set including an AU version of Piranah fall back to 2D viewing on non 3D tv sets and display perfectly fine.
Looking at the Amazon description, this is the case. Different to my copy is it also has some of those cheap 3D glasses with this copy that will also enable 3d viewing in the anaglyph mode on any tv set, however the 3D image won't be as good as say going to a modern cinema. The glasses are similar to those you may get with a magazine or that came with the Shrek DVD a few years back. There is then the modern 3D mode which will require 3D equipment.
So yes, the movie will work in 2 of the 3 supported modes for you.
This actually is a gore filled hoot of a movie which really takes the p**s out of itself. It delivered what it promised and didn't pretend to be anything it wasn't - it was just a great spoof of the B grade shlock horror flicks that were characteristic of the 80's. Some scenes very interesting in 3D.
At least 'Ali with an i' is in it…