Download GBs for Batman: Arkham Knight or Prey

Hi all

Trying to help my brother out who is getting a PC and wants to play games such as Batman Arkham Knight or Prey for example.

He does not have internet at home at all and to be honest he cant afford it so I am trying to work out if he could do the updates and game play using his mobile data.

After an idea of what sort of GBs are required when the updates are required and for general gameplay - do you think he could use his mobile internet data.



  • +2…

    Recommends having at least 55 GB free… no more patches incoming on gog or steam I believe…..

    Prey recommends having 20 GB free for install, no more patches I think but it also have a DLC….

    GOG is DRM FREE and shouldn't force patches/updates on you….

    • thank you for the info

      • On that, if you were to buy the GOG version you should be able to easily copy+paste the files for your brother.

  • +2

    Just look it up on Steam.

    Prey has 20GB initial download, Arkham Knight 45 GB.
    I would say go with Prey.

    Also, maybe just get a cheapie phone, get a $4.90 Kogan starter kit with 40GB, and then use that to download the game plus any more updates. That should be sufficient for Prey.
    For Arkham Knight it would be difficult.

    Or take the PC to someone's house where there is Wifi, download, install, and update the games, and then take PC back home.

    • I suggested the idea of taking the PC to his Mates house and was told by his mate that this wouldnt work. Thanks for the confirmation

      • +2

        Of course it will. There is no reason why it should not.

      • +2

        Go to someone's house who has unlimited internet and spend the few hours to download it. Once you have the game installed, you may need internet connection to launch the game, if its on steam and still has DRM.

        I'm not 100% sure, but if its on GOG, it means it wont have DRM, and you wont need an internet connection to play the game.

        If you do need to tether and use mobile data for steam to register, it wont use much data (probably <5mb, likely much less) just to confirm. The frequent steam updates are around 100mb.

        Just be sure that if you do borrow a friends internet, the data isnt part of their quota, or they have a big enough download quota.

  • +1

    Downloads from Steam are always compressed so download size is usually much smaller than the install size. You can gauge how much data will be downloaded on steam, it tells you on the progress bar

    Single player games don't require frequent updates, but if you're talking multiplayer games (e.g esports titles like DOTA, RL and CS) these get updated quite often and will require significant data quotas to update.

    You can download games yourself for your brother by installing the game on your drive and giving your brother the hard disk containing all the games.

    • I like the idea of the HD idea. When you talk about significant data quotas to update what size? 40GB or more. I can get him a new phone plan that he will have 100gb each month on his mobile and thinking this should be enough but I am not a gamer. If he was playing online with his mate would he need much GB to do this?

      I have assumed that using the internet via his phone as a hotspot would enable him to play online - am I correct?

      • +2

        I don't play games that much anymore so I never paid attention to how often my games update. sorry can't tell you. but it is certainly way less than 100GB, a rocket league update rarely exceeds 1.5~2GB

        There are mobile phone plans with "unlimited" data, Felix mobile for e.g costs $35 a month but you get 20 megabit download speeds with no apparent limits.. just a fair use policy. You could get him this plan and they would not need to worry about bill shock for exceeding data limits as there is none.

        You can see the deal posted here

        • thanks for your info.

      • +1

        Depends on what he plays as there will be more lag which might not be suitable for some games.
        In your scenario, your brother really should stick to single player and couch co-op games or those onlines games where lag is not so relevant (so not CS; GO, Fortnite, etc.).

  • +3

    Bring the computer to a Macca's complete with a CRT monitor and leech from there.

  • What state is your mate located in?

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