Weird one. Started at a new restaurant. The owner can't solve this problem. Someone has to wave down a waitress in slow times because they forget to come past the kitchen to check cause for orders to take out.
They can't hear the regular bell most restaurants use. The bar is super far through very thick walls so the waitresses don't hear it. This also stops most conventional doorbells bells from working because the walls are thick (so the owner says). He'd also want something that's visual. Like lights up I guess?
I thought about a deaf persons doorbell, but he says it won't work through the walls. Doesn't have to be a doorbell. Just something us chefs can use to alert the bar that's maybe 10m away through thick walls. Maybe some kind of kids toy? I don't know. This one's a pickle.
Any ideas appreciated.
electric buzzer which shocks them when a order is ready?
walkie talkie and headsets
apple ear buds and mobile calls
extra staff which only transfers food
a belt from the kitcken the main floor
food buzzers (like when we pick up food) but the waiters have them on them
but upper market and get the head chef to walk the food out