This was posted 3 years 10 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[eBook] Free - Rubik’s Cube: How To Solve The Famous Cube In 3 Easy Ways! - Amazon Australia

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This useful book is a freebie again. Great if you have never worked out how to solve the Cube yourself. It was very popular the last time it was posted (


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closed Comments

    • Thank you!

    • You're a gun mate!

  • 1st layer, 2nd layer, 3rd layer?

    • +4

      Yeah this just appears to be a book written about the layer by layer method.

      Just watch it on YouTube, much quicker.

      • F2L?

  • +11
    • Yeah I don’t see how this can be an entire book.

      • That's probably why it's priced as such.

  • +3

    Awesome, will add to the to do list.

    (Purchased on 27 June 2020)

    • haha same! (You purchased this item on June 26, 2020.)

    • If you had time to pick up a Rubix cube, you'd have time to read this.

    • Did you manage to solve it since? ;)

  • +3

    Easier just to peel the stickers off and replace appropriately.

    • -1

      They should add this as a speed solve category

      Edit: see also

      • That would be far slower than just solving the cube.

    • Having given out 100s of cubes to primary school kids over the years, I now no longer give out stickered ones. Invariably someone would ask me to solve one that their sister's boyfriend's next door neighbour's Aunty had peeled off all the stickers and restuck them in a way which made it impossible to solve. I would just hand it back to them and say it can't be solved like that.

  • My kid finished in record 26 seconds, is that good or normal.

    • +9

      Finishing the entire book in 26 seconds, that's impressive!

      • +1

        Rubik's Cube book 100% WR 0:26 entry on when?

        I'm gunna add the Rubik's Cube book any% WR 0:00.02 - used the Ctrl+End key combo glitch. Can see room for improvement to 0:00.01 with more practice tho.

    • How old is your kid?

      My son can do it in 20s. But we know a few that can do it quicker and others that don’t know how at all.

      As long as they enjoy it! They can challenge themselves or friends to do better.

    • It's pretty good start, my 13 year old son is bit quicker at 23 seconds with a Gan Speedcube. He's in a speed cubing club at his school and the school record is 9 seconds. From my understanding there's 5 or so different methods to use and the harder methods are quicker if you do them right. The "beginners method" or the layer by layer approach is the slowest.

      • Is that for a 3x3?

        • +1


          • @Rockets84: My 8 year old son is obsessed with Rubiks cubes and have so many of them in different configurations including a Gan 11 M Pro.

            His record on 3x3 is 4.1 seconds with a very lucky scramble (world record is 3.4!!!!) but he uses a solve method called CFOP which apparently is advanced. His average is 50 seconds though.

            That amazes me!

            • @imurgod: Sounds like my son, his got heaps of different "cubes" too. From tiny 2x2, multiple 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, a 12 sided one, pyramid and one whos shape I can't describe. I watch my son with his Gan and it's moving in multiple directions via many different fingers, incredibly dextrous. He sits there with multiple different ones mixing them up and then solving them turn by turn.Good thing he wants to be a surgeon.

              • @Rockets84: It's amazing to watch huh?

                Good luck to your son and his future career :)

  • Well that just ruins the puzzle. The point of the puzzle is sitting down and figuring it out for yourself. I remember doing it in one school holidays and nutted it out and then looked at optimizing alternative solutions. Teaches basic skills in problem solving. Thats the fun. Hmmm maybe there is a market for ready-completed jigsaw puzzles :P

    • +2

      Good on you.
      I agree with you but you can see from game development that people want less difficult games, do not have as much patience as those gamers dealing with C64 and Amiga games when they were young, and in general do not like challenges that require longer than 10 minutes to solve.
      So, yes, there might actually be a market for partly done jigsaw puzzles. ;-)

      • +1

        Thank you! Gaming definitely has regressed.

        Games are prettier but nowhere near as good or challenging as they were back in the day. Hell, I see games where all you do is press the same button over and over!

        This is the reason for the streamer popularity and console wars phenomenon.

        None of this used to exist.

        • +1

          Yes, very unfortunate. It has also resulted in people having very little patience, short "fuses", and getting angry very quickly.
          You find very few people these days who are willing to try a puzzle or tricky bit for hours, let alone days, in order to overcome the challenge.
          In the old days I have not seen nearly as many rage gamers as there are about these days.

          • +1

            @Lysander: Absolutely true. Imagine these short fused kids today playing things like kings quest, last ninja or Green beret back in the day when there was no YouTube or screaming streamers.

            Games are prettier but nowhere near as challenging or satisfying these days.

            • @imurgod: Absolutely agree. Last Ninja was fantastic. Even the little puzzle elements in it. Still remember the bit in the canal where you had to make a molotow cocktail to get past the crocodile.
              Imagine those rage kids playing a point and click where you can die or in fact end up in a dead end! ;-)

              • @Lysander: Yep. Imagine having to jump on those logs over and over to get across the rivers.

        • -1

          Spotted the boomer.

          • -1

            @Untameable: Cool story bro but I'm actually not a boomer. That's my parents generation but I'm sure like most kids, you have no idea what a boomer even is.

            My advice is do a little research before making yourself sound dumb…. or don't. You can just keep being you.

            Now do how your console is better than the other consoles.

    • -2

      I call BS

  • Any recommendations for the best place to get the cheapest magnetic speed cube?
    Just for a bit of fun, so don't really want to get the expensive ones.

    • +1

      There's a melbourne-based place called, seems pretty good (not sponsored lmao).
      I'd recommend the cube I have, which is a QiYi MS Magnetic. Hope that helps!

      • +1 on the QiYi MS from great feel on this cube for a bargain price.


  • +2

    i learned on youtube. i saved the video before my flight to the usa before covid. then when i got bored on my way to LAX i pulled out the Rubik's cube. don't buy the Rubik's cube brand, it sucks. I ended up buying a cheaper speed cube and it was so much better. easy to move the pieces and also its nice on the corners when you don't twist it all the way, it snaps into place with out being perfectly levelled. i did it because i was bored, you just have to remember the steps. in the beginning i always have to refer back to it before i get to the very end where i get stuck. now i feel so accomplished and people will think you are a genius. i just play for fun when i'm bored, i probably will never practice so much to break speed records, but i just solve it doing the normal layer process and finish a little over a minute. if i mess up somewhere, then i have to start back at square one, lol.

    • Hey Rickone, how did you memorize doing the last part when doing the final layer? I can do 3x3 cube in less than few mins without referring to anything but for the last part I always need to refer back to this rubik's page since the algorithms seem too long to remember:…

  • Please just:
    1. Don't buy rubik's brand
    2. Watch youtube tutorials (anyone that comes up quickly is good, the main name I remember is JPerm)

  • Damn you OzBargain, now I have a speed cube.

    • You won’t regret it. I have got my time down from 3 minute solves to a PB of 53 seconds. Still learning faster methods. It’s fun and challenging to do!

  • Thanks OP

  • Went to get this and apparently I already have it from a previous OZB in June 2020

    • @Squeezy

      "apparently I already have it from a previous OZB in June 2020"… I think we all did… some of us even committed to memory and remembered the moves to complete the cube but couldn't remember that we got this eBook last June ;)

      See you all next time this offer comes around again :)

  • Thanks, OP! Worked it out, but have forgotten. It’s been a long time 😅

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