Looking for Cordless Vacuum Cleaner Recommendations around $200 mark and under

It's for work and only really need about 30 minute run time max even if it is only 20 minute run time it should still be alright even for the worst of scenarios.

Main thing is don't want any cords just need to zip around the small office and make things look neat.

Cheaper the better in case it gets nicked or broken or lost so it is cheap to replace.

Atm this is the best looking option


$79 for the vacuum

$109 for the complete bundle


forgot to add that I will be doing a lot of under desk carpet vacuuming and skirting boards and lots of tight small spaces so I am leaning towards stick vacuum variants that can get into very narrow spaces and maybe even do like around ceilings think spider webs and corners of walls and around emergency exit lights etc that get a lot of web and fly activity

thanks for the recommendations so far though huge help I appreciate it

Edit2: if anyone knows of any solid contenders in the under $200 range for Cordless Vacuum Cleaner please let me know because I need to get one asap.

Or if you have any ones to avoid that information is good also.



    • +2

      I have this and it's excellent on tiles/floorboards. Haven't used it on carpets.

      • how long you owned it for ? how's the battery doing / lasting ?

        • +1

          Maybe 4 months now? Battery is fine, though I don't let it run out to zero. Maybe use it 5 mins at a time and recharge every 4-5 days

    • Thanks I will keep this in mind.

      I think stick vacuum is more ideal for my use case scenario so I can get into tight spaces and do skirting boards and stuff.

      But this might be a good backup or good for now vacuum.

      Thank you.

  • Buy Xaomi if budget strecthes, and if you got the money, Dyson. I have a dyson v11, and many different Xiami Dreame models.

    • +3

      Having owned both brands, I'd stick with Xiaomi, it's performed better and more reliable, and significantly cheaper.

      • what price range and what model are you recommending about?

        I am trying too keep costs low if possible because this will be for work and anything can happen to it.

        • Probably the Dreame V10 bundle but it's $249 so a lot more than you're initially looking at.

          • @whitelie: This is the next best contender unless I get some el cheapo stick vacuum ones for half the price but performance will probably be pitiful.

            Right now my biggest concern is leaving the vacuum charging overnight as I will only be on the premise two days a week and they are spread out with a day between them and couple days over the weekend so maybe I should get something a bit more pricier with better built in overcharge protection as I don't want the battery to die from being left on the charger or the work place to burn down etc.

            Yeah the one you linked is the one I am looking at now atm.

            edit: now just gotta find how bad the cheaper stick vacuums are compared to this as I really only need to do a couple of small rooms nothing that major just some dirt from work boots and occasional staples and pieces of paper etc

            • @AlienC: The Xiaomi we have it wall mounted to a charger 24x7x365 when not in use. Ours was just under $300 from memory. We have had it for about 2.5 years and it's still going strong. Get's used once or twice a week.

              • @conan2000: notice any change in battery life?

                Which exact xiaomi model are you referring to I might just buy that your anecdote is good enough for me if you can confirm no change in battery life.

                • @AlienC: It has three suction settings, as long as we leave it in the middle setting it is enough for our house which is around 360m2. In turbo mode it will last less than 10 minutes, but I haven't noticed any significant change over time in battery life.

                  We have a Dreame V9, so the V10 mentioned earlier is probably a better option as I'm assuming that's the newer model. Just looked and I had the dates wrong, it's about 1.5 years not 2.5.

                  • @conan2000: ok thanks I will keep them in mind.

                    honestly I just need any basic stick cordless vacuum it is a small office not sure on the size but probably no larger than say like a typical petrol gas station in terms of area and the dirt is really only usual office mess and some boots from doing work in the grass and mud outside.

                    Yeah the option seems to be to either get a complete bundle for $120 from kogan or other cheap brands or get a dreame V9 or V10 bindle for around $249.

                    So double the price.

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