This was posted 3 years 10 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] Final Fantasy VII Remake $29 + Delivery (Free C&C) @ JB Hi-Fi


Not as cheap as Big W’s $10 deal but it seems impossible to find stock.

JB Hifi is price matching EB Games without EB’s atrocious shipping charge so it is a good deal for people who couldn‘t find stock at their local EB and don’t want to pay $14.95 for shipping (ouch).

For PS5 owners who want to get the Intergrade update/Yuffle DLC separately on release but don’t want to pay around $100 for the straight PS5 copy.

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +10

    Before we get the "it was free on PS+ last month", yes, it was, but that version is not upgradeable to PS5 version nor able to get Yuffie DLC. You will need this physical disc version to do so.

    • So physical copy got free upgrade correct?

      • +2

        It isn't out yet.

        • Pretty sure it will be even cheaper when Yuffie is out no need to pre buy this for nothing

      • +2

        Any version that isnt the ps+ one gets free upgrade.

      • +3

        You will be entitled to the PS5 graphic and performance upgrade but you will not be eligible for the Yuffle DLC. The Yuffle DLC has to be purchased separately for existing ps4 version owners. The Yuffle DLC only comes with the new PS5 Intergrade version.

    • There are a few minor twists to this (User50301 pointed out some):

      • The first is that the PS4 game owners who upgrade to the PS5 version for free will have to purchase the Yuffie episode separately (price TBC) – so they aren't technically getting Intergrade, just the PS5 upgrade.
      • People who claimed it as part of PS Plus' March offering will not be eligible for the PS5 upgrade.
      • For those already claimed the PS Plus version and decide to buy this physical version, you do need to download it again (as that usual Sony's way to handle disc vs digital versions as separate).
    • +4

      How is that even relevant? Its no longer on ps plus for free anymore. That was March's free game.

      Its like saying don't ever buy ben and Jerry's or boost juice forever cos it has been free sometime in the past.

      • -5

        It is relevant because PS5 owners are likely to have active PS Plus subscription. Not necessary for this game, but for PS Plus Collection.
        So right now, as a PS5 owner in that situation, I am still not sure the best way forward. I really want the Yuffle DLC. The PS5 enhancement is also something I would like, but I already played a decent amount of the game. The main issue is my backlog (pile of shame) is quite long so I am not sure whether I will replay FF7 Remake that much.

        Also, Sony locked me out of purchasing PS4 digital version of this game (due to claiming it via PS Plus) so it is rather odd (since I am under impression it is technically a version that's not going to get PS5 enhancement). So, getting the official PS4 digital version to get that PS5 upgrade is not an option once you claimed it via PS Plus.

        Being put on PS Plus previously is a key reason why this game is being discounted.

  • +2

    Thanks for this, got one. Can someone explain the upgrade shenanigans process using a physical copy thank you!!

    • From experience with Yakuza on inserting disc instead of automatically installing, it gives a prompt to download the PS5 version?

  • Such a good game. They did well to keep very true to the original, and for that I am happy! :)

    • What, true to the original??

      • It was definitely true to the original if you pretend 70% of the game didn't happen

        • That 70% includes the end of part 1…

    • Um… not really. You finished FF7 remake already right? Without spoiling it, I'll just mention one difference earlier on:

      From the original version, Cloud and Barrett destroyed the Sector 1 reactor but not in the remake. Shinra blew the facility by themselves, causing a grander explosion than the Avalanche wanted.

      There are differences.

      • +2

        I think that he meant in the overall feel and style of the game.

        It really transports you back to those same feelings that the original brought about.

        Whilst there are huge generational technology advancements, both games are at the cutting edge of technology.

      • Nothing wrong with those changes. Boring if everything is the same.

        Even better if Aerith lives all the way

  • -2

    This game just launched amazed it so cheap already

    • +1

      It was launched 1 year ago. Was put on PS Plus last month, hence we are seeing discount. The free PS5 enhancement patch makes it enticing (because the PS Plus 'free' game is not eligible for that enhancement).

    • +1

      The game was released on the 10th of April 2020. So now more than 1 year ago. Not unheard of for a game now to be on sale, especially when another release version is imminent.

      • -4

        especially since its pretty ordinary..Sony are struggling to put out content at the mo..

        • +2

          Yeah Xbox is killing it on the exclusives front… Halo will be a great launch game when it comes out next year.

        • -1

          Yeah, XBox Series X is problem free…. Oh, wait, Forza Horizon 4 Quick Resume can be glitchy if you have the expansion packs (how nice, you pay for those expansion packs and they screw up quick resume) - so Quick Resume failed first, forcing a full reload and game loaded back in the wrong location (a location not in the expansion pack section where I last played). Also, every time I use quick resume successfully on that game, there is always a one second lag in game early on. So many patches on that game already and still glitchy.

          After a while, you also realise Quick Resume is limited to 5 games and you cannot specify certain games should remain in that 5. It's always the last 5. So, I am using a workaround to purposely reload games I want to remain in Quick Resume to keep them in the 5.

          Also, it is so nice Microsoft screw me over by not allowing me to buy GamePass Ultimate for $1 for 3 months, despite knowing I have Series X on launch day. The weekly and monthly GamePass quests are quite annoying.

          And, last weekend, I bought a game on Microsoft Store. It would not let me install for quite some time. Contacted support and support told me to reboot the console. Great, so you buy a game and if Microsoft failed to update your entitlement, a reboot is required? What happen to the perfect Smart Delivery?

          Both PS5 and Series X have issues. Microsoft - no first party AAA exclusives for close to 2 years now. The fact that I bought games recently shows that GamePass Ultimate alone is not enough for me.

          • -1

            @netsurfer: I cannot take this seriously when you "complain" because xsx has "only" 5 games at quick resume.

          • @netsurfer: quick resume relies on developer compliance - it is a problem. i still run an x to get past issues quick because its faster to move to 2nd console than clear the 5 games.

            its a good idea but for games with issues that stick its a bloody nightmare.

          • @netsurfer: Stop ya sooking.

      • April 1st 2020 in Aus actually. I remember that day like it was yesterday.

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