Over a period of time, as we buy appliances, we keep accumulating these cardboard boxes. I don't have a backyard or garage space to keep them. I am curious to know, how others manage them? I am storing them with the assumption that they would be handy when moving houses as we live in a rental house.
What Do You Do with The Packaging Boxes (Phone, Modem, Xbox, Applicances Box) ?

a) Recycle, in yellow bin or at the recycling centre
b) Cut the tape parts and fold box flat for later usei keep them for a while (just in case i need to return them), and then eventually bin them into either recycling or take to the tip and recycle there
I usually keep them until warranty ends or if I'm going to sell the product later on. Otherwise dispose of them.
Recycle bin. I do keep most PC parts boxes as I find the parts sell quicker when original packaging etc is included.
Keep them, usually resell my stuff in future or give it away. Having all the specs, receipts etc in one place is handy
I used to keep them in case of warranty, but just chuck them out now. I can fashion a box if I need to send anything back.
Some stores will refuse warranty if the box isn't the original….
Under ACL you don't need to retain original packaging to claim warranty. Of course sometimes the packaging indicates one warranty period and the included paperwork another so in those cases it may be beneficial to retain the packaging.
You do not have to return products in the original packaging in order to get a refund.
Noting this is for warranty claims/returns only.
Same deal with receipts - you only need to reasonably prove purchase, not provide original receipt.
Having said all of this, your experience will be better/easier/smoother if you do return it in the original packaging with the receipt, but by law you are not required to.
Also note that change of mind etc it is up to the store, and most will want it in original packaging, sometimes unopened.
Flatten them and put them under your bed.
I am storing them with the assumption that they would be handy when moving houses as we live in a rental house.
Unless you move between houses regularly… even so, I still think it's a false economy.
I usually keep them forever, just in case they go back for warranty or for moving them safely, but I've started just recycling them cause even when moving I just end up moving those things loose in the car anyway. Freed up an entire cupboard
it is taking up my entire cupboard. It is high time I need to make some decision
Keep them to help resale value, but invariably throw them in the bin after I forget to give them to the new owner which is usually a family member or friend.
Keep only if:
- I've only just bought the item and am not sure about it yet (to make returns easier); OR
- It's a small, high value item like a phone (doesn't take much space and makes reselling easier); OR
- If I know I'm probably going to flip it for a new thing sooner rather than later (makes reselling easier)Otherwise chuck. Space is valuable!
Keep them (i am really bad for not throwing boxes away)
Use them when i resell the item if its valuable
use them when i inevitably move houseIt is a good tip. I need to review all my boxes to see which one I might resell at a later stage or chuck them. Many a times, I don't know if I will keep it or resell it
Keep in cupboard/s forever (but to be never found if you need it).
Burn them! Only when recycling is full.
If you do any gardening, cardboard boxes are pretty useful. Read up on gardening upcycling and sheet mulching with cardboard.
Was going to say this, my neighbours love it when I have spare boxes.
cardboard box fortress
This is one of the few posts that could actually use a poll option… I keep all boxes in storage cage for some day in the same way we all keep outdated cables and screws and dead batteries in that special 'one-day' drawer.
I used to hold on to those cables until I realised I had ten 70l storage crates of them that I was unlikely to ever need. I now take all those cables to the recyler and get paid for them. Being in IT I often end up with a lot of network cabling when old stuff is ripped out and new runs put in. Last year was the first year in many that I didn't take in 500kg of cables. This year is looking quiet as well, only done on load of 18kg so far. Current rate is $2.40/kg
I have tons of cables as well. Do you recommend any specific recycler?
Whoever is nearby and convenient for you. They're all around the same rate IME.
I keep them incase I have to return them, also I look after my stuff and keep everything so I can sell these items for when I decide to upgrade.
For cats. Or children
Flatten the box
I fill them with stones and sell on ebay
Burn them
Such a first world problem.
I just throw them away.
Recycle at home if needed otherwise we have a bin in our building for cardboard to be recycled
I keep my good boxes (Apple, LEGO) and smaller ones that once contained semi-valuable items.
I also have some of the bigger boxes for some more valuable items (monitors, Dysons, Xbox, not TV). I'll throw them away when I run out of room to keep them.
Good suggestions. I am pretty much in the same boat.
I made that decision just yesterday. I wanted more space in my cupboard for stuff I actually use and want to see at a glance. I looked up to the top shelf which was full of empty, “just in case I need to return it” boxes! They are all in the recycling bin now and it feels great. Admittedly I was watching one of those hoarding shows at the time. 😁 True story.
LoL… The discussion in this forum helped me to clean my cupboard too. I have many to recycle now.
Thanks everyone.
I've gone through phases of keeping, then being proud of myself of getting rid of most… then slowly watching the next unintended collection to appear. I'm better these days, I only keep boxes for stuff I know I'm likely to onsell like Apple products, laptops and other key electrical equipment.
Which then leads to the next problem… boxes full of the old equipment that I don't really want to let go of just yet… just in case I need/want it… then you get to a point where it's now so old, outdated and worthless the only option is recycling or hoping it eventually becomes a collector's item :P
Again, I'm trying to push myself to sell stuff earlier rather than hold it just in case. Once upon a time that pile of old equipment was really handy for tech support or just having some cable that someone needed in a box. But those days are few and far between now and I could free up so much space if I just tossed the lot and accepted that if I needed some cable/adaptor I'm going to have to go out and buy one or order a new one….
This thread is encouraging me to go through the piles again and see what can be tossed… but I mean… I might need that old adaptor for a Siemens mobile phone.
I do tend to hang on the packaging if I think the product has resale value and the packaging isn't massive.
I keep most of them in a big box or bag up in the roof space though, outta sight, outta mind.
Just need to remember to go through them every now and again and clear out the stuff I don't even have any more :)Keep them… if you re-sell, you have the original packaging
Dump them in bin.