Here your chance to be a walking billboard for MW3 for only $10
If buying instore you have to get it at Game/DVD desk not clothing section.
Here your chance to be a walking billboard for MW3 for only $10
If buying instore you have to get it at Game/DVD desk not clothing section.
Challenge accepted.
Unless a chick wears it. ;)
Ah comeon, heaps of chicks like CoD.
(I'm serious)
Edit, more info: The game isn't really nerdy, it's a fairly social & simple game.
it might as well just read virgin.
"Chicks" in a very relative sense.
why is this a deal? always see the shirt at this price..
According to the website, it's 50% off the normal price of $20
it was for $20 but only when you bought the game for $98…doubt there been many takers.
It only dropped to $10 this week.
are they paying $10?
no neg here. thx
Good deal, but i'd personally rather not walk around wearing that thing
The game is a world wide hit, yet everyone seems silently ashamed to wear this.
Herpes is a world wide hit, yet noone wants to tell people either ;D
How's that going for you anyway?
Because ultimately it looks like some freebie t-shirt you got with the game. Nobody wears that crap.
Would you rather tell people; "Hey, I paid $10 for MY Modern Warfare shirt!".
not for me~~~ all medium n large size r gone…
did they made a lot x-large becoz they gonna think gammers r fat?!?
or the other way around, there's no gammers r fat so it remain in-stock…
I'm guessing your not even supposed to be playing CoD…
Nah, I'm guessing he's 40 years old.
don't you all agreed the game was good? come on…
But for the T-shirt i will wait for D3 one, any other game worth playing while waiting for D3?
with a name like that..(based on WoW) I'm sure you'd like MW3. But the same old repetative linear game is fulfilling the first time you play it, it sucks hard if they keep bringing out the same gameplay over and over again.
BF3 >> MW3.
It is a ripoff, overseas they give these t-shirts away free when you buy the game, it is called marketing.
still better than $20 IMO but I rather BF3 or Batman:AC tshirt
I must admit, I hate the idea of paying for the privilege of marketing someone's product. Whoever came up with this concept must be worshipped by marketers everywhere.
Surely someone is selling rags for cleaning the car a bit cheaper than this!
meritline did. Got some awesome brown microfibre cloths now.
Just don't go to a job interview wearing this shirt, IT jobs excepted.
Pffft, any serious employer would turn you away for having such poor taste in games.
plus which IT(not game programming related) employers GAF what game you play anyways. I'd always wear business wear for whatever interview I am going
XL only left online. Free Shipping (according to estimate).
it's ok most of us gamers are XL anyway
speak for yourself ;)
It's a cool shirt. Makes u look hardcore.
Yes it's exactly like wearing a real-life Ghillie suit… apart from in every single detail.
I'll buy this T-shirt if the game don't have much hacker in it!
yeeeah, I've always wanted to advertise the fact that I spend too much time in front of my PC. Thank you Big W for making it more affordable. Can't wait to walk thru Chaddy and see how many dickhead looks I get. aaawesome.
no matter if you never leave the house anyway. Glad they offer free delivery so I don't have to go outside. Postman comes to the door ;)
The shirt was fairly scratchy and uncomfortable when I had a look at bigw a while ago (they had a trolley full of them just in plastic sleaves). From that i wouldn't even buy it for $5 as a house shirt (you don't really want anyone to actually see you in one do you?)
Guaranteed, not to get you laid