This was posted 3 years 10 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired
  • targeted

Free Multiscreen Casting with Foxtel Go for Affected IQ3 / IQ4 Users (Normally $15/Month)


Not sure if it's targeted and not sure how long this will last but casting is free for now, using the Foxtel Go app.

An update this morning for iQ4 & iQ3 boxes didn't work for a number of customers. And on the back of this, Foxtel have enabled casting for its customers.

We’re currently experiencing a technical issue which is impacting some iQ3 and iQ4 customers services resulting in a black screen. While our engineers continue to work on resolving the issue as soon as possible, we’ll be enabling casting through Foxtel GO for all our impacted customers. We apologise for the inconvenience. For more information about how to cast to your TV click here.

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closed Comments

  • +20

    Wait you have to pay to cast?? What the hell.

    • +5

      Yep, $15 for the casting privilege.

      • +9

        They really want more people subscribe to netflix

      • +13

        First they make you pay for HD, and now for casting….
        No words.

        • +3

          Last year, when a builder cut through a giant Telstra cable at a Victorian building site, I, and many thousands, were without Foxtel for 5 days. When I called them, they refused to offer casting for free for that period & they refused to credit me for the 5 days I had no service. Needless to say I'm no longer a Foxtel customer.

          $25 for HD & casting is money well spent ;)

        • Its cause they aren't morons and people want to give away Foxtel to their mates for free. They aren't dumb I'm sure they can see all the different IP addresses.
          They are still a rort.

  • +14

    So, they screwed up their normal, overpriced service with a botched update & are now offering an inferior casting service, for free, until they restore the proper service? How is that a deal? Should be moved to forums at best.

  • +14

    Thanks, but this belongs in the forums. It is not a bargain…

  • +6

    Ridiculous that they charge a fee to cast their service. In 2021 you would expect this to be included at nil cost for any streaming service. Didn't even think it was possible to offer this option at a fee; but here we are.

    • +1

      It's because they can also charge for extra set top boxes - if casting was free there would be little reason to need more than one.

  • +7

    Bogus charge for something that costs them nothing.

  • +7

    I'm surprised they don't charge for the iQ box updates as well…

    • Don't give them ideas, I'm still pissed off at the $5/mth rental they charge me for the remote…

      • +3

        Rental for the remote? Wtf!

  • +6

    I look forward to Murdoch leaving the planet.

    • Which planet is he moving to?

      • +1

        With any luck, not the same one I'm moving to

  • +4

    Something that is pretty much expected to be in most services is hardly a bargain.

  • +2

    Following this "bargain" I loaded up the Foxtel Go app linked to my old man's account and thought I'd cast a few exclusive shows at my place, when the f did they start putting ads in the middle of a show being played on catch up?
    Worst part is one of the episodes I was watching started playing ads mid episode, (three of the same ad for non aluminium deodorant btw) and then crashed out or something and started playing the next episode without finishing the one I was watching.
    I can't stand to watch this sh when it's free, how can people pay for this rubbish?

    Going to have to convince the old man to ditch Fox and just subscribe to every streaming service under the sun for half the price he's currently paying for this rubbish!

    • how can people pay for this rubbish?

      I subscribe just so I can watch the ads, I don't like the ones on Netflix.

  • Foxtel is a massive dinosaur that just keeps keeping on.

    • Because people keep buying the service unfortunately.

      • +2

        And Morrison gives $40 million of our money to them.

        Corporate welfare suits the liberals when a big business is involved.

  • The same Foxtel who advertise Netflix shows as their own? 🤣🤣🤣

  • +1

    No bargain.

    They should be refunding you.

  • +2

    There's a fifty cent fee for signing in as well as a $1 per letter fee for passwords. Any passwords considered too "left" will be rejected.

    Acceptable passwords include:

    End of list.

    • Even a centre right password attracts a fee, doesn't it?

      • Yes. Anything left of right is left. This message has cost you $80.

  • +2

    It surprises me that people still pay for foxtel and think it's a bargain

    • -1

      They probably have the same intelligence of Sky News watchers and Herald Scum/Daily Telegraph readers.

  • +1

    I wouldn't pay a cent to a Murdoch owned company, let alone a ludicrous $15 casting fee.

    When is this man going to drop dead? It's long overdue.

  • +1

    i used to just cast the whole tab from chrome to our tv and that would work but then they seem to have figured out a way to kill that little loophole. Now we just have a HDMI cord sitting next to the tv and plug the laptop in when we want to watch anything on foxtel.

    • You know I've never been able to get that to work properly.

      It judders too much making my motor racing look silly enough to bother me.

      I've tried setting different refresh rates but no cigar.

      Plug it in to my monitor it's fine (Therefore I watch most on demand racing in the study), but plug it into my LG OLED and judder.

      Works fine from other sources (Chromecast, Fetch etc) but directly into my laptop and it judders.

      I'm thinking it must be just me but surely not?

      • cant say i've ever had that… and the fact it works on your monitor suggests its something with the TV/Cable? Have you tried on a diff TV with a diff cable?

      • Try getting a better hdmi cable that certifies it runs 4k, it sounds like a cheapo cable not able to handle the full 4k signal.

        • Understand but again, plug into my monitor and it's fine - don't think it's cable and Foxtel is only pissy 720 or 1080 from their app/web so very low bandwidth comparably….

          Any external monitors are fine - only when I plug in to TV, same cable.

      • I've since read somewhere turning the internal laptop display off and running the TV as primary works for most people. Will try that next time. Just posting it here for future.

  • +1

    This ain't a bargain, horrible company.

    Folks have alternate cost effective options that you don't have to pay for features…which should come free in the first place with Foxtel

  • -1

    I love the irony. Foxtel are horrible, cause I can't cast someone else's subscription for free. I should get it for free as they are already paying for it.
    Anyway. I cast. But if you don't want to. Use Kodi app via Google tv to play Foxtel Go without needing the multiroom add on . You can find out how on the net. Its clunky but it works.

    • -1

      A more accurate statement would be:

      Foxtel are horrible, cause I can't cast MY OWN subscription for free. I should get it for free as I AM already paying for it

      • -1

        And you know 99% of people on here aren't in that situation. If you are then that's a shame.

        • +1

          I was a Foxtel customer once who asked for "free" casting when the Foxtel cable was down for 5 days and they refused to give it.

          I got rid of Foxtel a long time ago and happily share a mixture of Kayo/Binge/Stan/Netflix/Amazon amongst family.

          It doesn't change the fact that I still think Foxtel charging $15 to cast and another $10 for HD is embarrassing… And them offering it for "free" to affected customers paying for a full satellite service (that they're not getting), isn't a deal worthy of OzB.

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