EB Games Reboot Repair Service

Hi has anyone used the Ebgames reboot service? How did it go and how fast was it?
Just sent in a xbox one s console i brought which has no signal and usb port damaged at front. they said will take 2 to 3 weeks
if they cant fix it any chance they will replace motherboard or console itself?

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    • +2

      How did it go and how fast was it?

  • +1

    Yeah I sent off a Xbox 1x and they replaced the motherboard and it took 2 to 3 weeks great service 👍

  • I've used the service before, for my PS4, my kid shove 4 discs in the drive and I couldn't get them out.

    It was good paying the flat fee, and they dispatched and rang when it was ready to collect. It took ~ 2-3 weeks if I recall.
    At the time I had preordered Horizon zero dawn and was keen to play that, so I was a little anxious.

    Overall, it was a great service, even got the discs back, much to my embarrassment, one of the CD's was a my partners Twilight dvd.

  • This sounds cool, how much is it

  • I have used for a PS3 repair and a PS4 disc ejecting issue. PS3 was fixed and is still going strong today (Was over heating and shutting down) The PS4 came back and worked for about 3 days, started happening again, sent it back they sent it away again for free, then worked for about 2 months. I later found out though that the disc eject issue was pretty common on the OG PS4. So although it was 50/50 fix for me, I was impressed by the service both times, and dont think there is anything more the repair service could do for my ps4, so just bought a slim one after that.

  • Have sent a DS and a PS3 in the past
    Very quick turnaround and top quality repair

  • Depends on the system, never used this service but from my own experience Xboxs are really finicky to repair, you always think it's one thing but it'll come and go.

    Waiting to mod my PS1 with a HDMI port currently.

  • will be sending in a Xbox Series X Powers on, fan turns on then powers off. The side cover is damaged and cracked. hope they can fix this lol

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