Unlimited talk and text with 150GB data.
Minimum cost $1068 over 12 months.
In-store only. New customers only.
Unlimited talk and text with 150GB data.
Minimum cost $1068 over 12 months.
In-store only. New customers only.
Their stock supply is so bad. I gave up checking for stock in the end. Even for their vacuum it was so bad and their own customer support seemed oblivious to their promotions too.
what was the deal for 256GB?
JB was offering the same price on the 256GB ($1249 I think) as the 128GB model. The 256GB model also included an additional $100 JB Gift Card.
Spewing i missed that. I need a new phone :(
Samsung themselves were offering them for same price (maybe why JB was too). Could also stack with trade in offers were got extra $500 off
just asking, i could not find the menu to set photo and video resolution.
Is the phone water resistance? 1.5 m for 30 mins?
Is Telstra loophole still there re: pay ETC and keep the phone?
Link to this happening in the past? Keen to know what sort of figures you'd be looking at
It used to be a $594 ETC for the $99/month plan if cancelled on day 1 making for some pretty tasty deals with phones and gift cards.
Better yet some people didn't even get the ETC bill ;)
@bloom: Exactly haha! I got my wife the Note 10 + that was on deal last November and still didn’t get the bill weirdly.
Anyone else?
@bloom: Really?? Thank God I’m not alone haha, I guess they really aren’t going to bill me as 5 months passed by haha.
@bloom: I got the bill for my S20 FE, you should really pay up if you want to make use of any Telstra deals or plans in the future. Besides, mines gone back to Samsung for touchscreen issues.
@Techie4066: I chatted them about it through the app but even them aren’t aware of the note 10 + plans.. what should I do?
@bloom: Same here mate! I even went to a store and asked if I can avail of some of their post paid plans and they did a check and told me no problems I can, I guess free Note 10 Plus.
The more recent deals have been saying there's a clause in the T&C's to pay back the freebies so you'd have to check the fine print
People have been saying lately that you'd have to pay back a gift card, which is a bit of a shame.
I can't say I've read the fine print in detail but the JB HiFi sales rep told me you had to pay it back.
Basically Telstra will charge the payback gift card part with their normal etc. Like last 59/m with 500 gift card deal, they charge 414 for etc and 300 for voucher something. Make the total 714.
I got that deal a few weeks ago and they stuffed up some things and was unable to do a FNN swap. They ended up having to switch the plan back to a small plan and waive the ~$700 ETC. Next time Imma port over instead of this FNN bullshit that 9/10 chat agents have no idea about
@I Smell Pennies: Telstra had no 4g or usable 4g signal at my home, and they waived the 714 and first month 59, basically got 500 gc free
$594 plus $500 voucher , need to pay for ETC
this deal has no $500 voucher.
in fact this deal does have $500 voucher that applied to the contract for S21. The contract show the ETC + $500 voucher pay back if cancelled.
Has anyone done the month to month thing recently? Does it still work? Do you just switch right after you got the phone? Do you get charged 2x 1st month that way since they don't charge prorata?
What is the etc?
Early termination cost
lol helpful
it's not wrong though lol
Early termination cost
Incorrect. It's Early Termination Charges
Anything for S21 Ultra?
Looks like an incredible offer! Is this the same phone Costco was selling on special for $1,049 a few days ago? Just trying to get a feel for the actual phone subsidy they're offering here (I'm hoping for a similar deal with the iPhone 12 mini soon).
Not really. You could have got the phone for $334 if you did the trade up and code stacking a few days ago. That was an epic deal :)
I'll argue this would be a better deal if you want to be on telstra. More so if you need a big data plan.
Wait a second…..how did you get $334?
Missed that. Link?
I believe that trade in device had to be a recent flagship model - you can’t quite say that that deal brought down the price to $334? Anyway, my point is, I’m trying to figure out what JB’s bonus per sign up is on this plan that makes this Samsung free.
Not really. I paid $524 for S21+ by trading in s7 edge that had been sitting in my cabinet. Samsung's recent promotion was stackable (which is no longer stackable), so extra discount was $750 ($500 + $200 + $50) on top of the trade In value.
1099 - 500 (trade in voucher) - 200 (s21 voucher) - 50 (sign up bonus) - 15 (s7 trade value)
I rinsed and repeated 3 times 😀
The Good Guys are currently offering a $120 voucher on the purchase of iPhone 12 mini. Read elsewhere about CBA rewards offer (CBA rewards 50 with 250 spend).
Thanks, but $120 off is not the same as a free or almost free phone on a 12m plan. Last year, I got the SE for $200 on a $59 JB plan, a deal like that or similar to this is what I’m after.
Are you able to port out and back in? Someone else said that a new customer is a number that hasn't been a postpaid customer in over six months.
A month usually.
However it's all luck.
Can always try grabbing another sim, porting it in (or creating a new account I guess) and then getting Telstra to link the two accounts and use your existing number. Some people have had success with that in other threads
I think you're suggesting a number swap? I'm not sure how people have had success as Telstra don't do number swaps as far as I'm aware. I've even asked them in the past.
I've done it but wouldn't recommend the hassle sometimes you need to get the too / compalints to do it properly
Did exactly this yesterday.
Ported to vodafone at a vodafone store, ported instantly and then walked into JB and signed up 10 minutes later.
Worth the hassle
So just port out to a Vodafone prepaid SIM and then walk back to jb and can have it all done in a day?
Yep, worked for me.
Is there an option to add international calls? ie $10/month
Jb plans don’t allow that
Not true, I'm on a jb plan and have the $10 international calling you just get it via the my telstra app or added on via chat.
oh wow thanks for that! I was wondering if this is indeed possible
Are you sure about this? I have just signed this contract this afternoon and message Telstra and they could not add it in and told me that JB hi fi and TGG plans are out of the market and cannot add the package. I have to go back to JB and return the phone and cancel the plan tomorrow.
You do that later with Telstra directly. Just jump on the chat and they will add it.
This is better than the $99 12m plan with $850 credit when the phone was$1250
A. 8912m = $1068
B. 9912m + 400 (1250-850credit)= $1588
Oh what the heck, now I feel bad about buying it on the $499 + $60 a month deal
Great deal. Lesson learnt for me. Wait till March/April. Took the $59 + $500 gift card deal in Jan and ended up costing ~$1457 after adding the S21 5G.
$99 for the S21 256GB
Link please
Do you have the link for the S21 Ultra 256GB?
Thanks was it in Catalogue? Not online?
@Poor Ass: Was attached as part of the promotional e-mail from JB. No mention of the Ultra only S21 128 / 256 GB
Only the 150gb plan? Now lower data plans with that deal?
Good deal, could of got this instead of the Samsung trade in deal.
Lol. The Samsung Trade Up deal was heaps better.
I got a S21 128GB for $194. It's on a Boost plan (i.e. full Telstra network, excluding 5G) for $150 per month.
$194 = $1099 - $500 - $200 - $205 (trade in for S10).
How much data are you getting with Boost for $150/month?! I didn't think they even did plans that expensive?
If that's right, I don't think it's a better deal unless you're getting a ridiculous amount of data and using it all? Over 12 months you'd have paid $1994 ($150/month plus the $194 outright) plus sold an S10 for $205. This deal you pay less than half the total at $1068 and get 5G coverage.
Sorry, was meant to say $150 per year.
@mandelbrot: Thought it may have been a typo. How much data? 150GB? That averages out to 12.5GB/month. I'd be recharging quite a few times a year.
Still don't think it's a better deal though unless you don't use any data. Even the top tier monthly Boost option would work out similar by the time you add in the outright handset cost. You get a lot less data, no 5G and have still had to sell an S10….but you do get international calls if that's important to you.
@whitelie: 150 Gb per month. That was last Oct, when i got the S20 FE 5G, on the $99 - $10 plan, thru JB Hi-Fi.
@Black26: Eh?
I know the details of this plan (which is the same as the plan you're on), I'm asking how much data they're getting with Boost for $150 for 12 months. Pretty sure it's 150GB also?
Wow great deal. So you are literally paying for the cost of the phone in 12 instalments and get 150gb/m for 12 months free?
Am I missing something?
Sure does look like it
Yes if paying retail
Good deal if you use a lot of data and actually keeping the phone
And the mobile plan is tax deductible
Yup , I was going to get it thinking of that too. That would save another $300 or so. Then I realised we switched over to Boost recently so we are not allowed. The only other numbers that can do it are 6 months from expiry. I need to show more OzB spirit just buy first and think later.
Please Telstra - why not an iPhone 12 Pro Max?
Ouch. Just bought the $59 12m plan plus $499 upfront. Oh well
Wonder what will be the additional cost for s21 ultra?
Just checked, cannot pay an upgrade difference and get the ultra or plus.
Only on the S21 128 (and S21 256 +$99).
There may be a special that includes the Ultra on monday, but it is not likely to be as good as this deal.
Thanks for confirming. Another deal is always on horizon. :)
I'm also going to keep my eye out for an Ultra deal. Will give the Oppo I bought today to my partner lol.
Do we know how likely there is to be a special for Ultra for Monday? I don't know whether to jump on this great deal or wait as I do really want the Ultra :(
150GB!! Does it matter if I take the SIM out and place it into a 4GX or 5G Wi-Fi hotspot dongle?
No reason you can't do that.
Bought it! And yeah, the data usage is showing on the hotspot screen (which I feared wouldn't work)
Thanks for replying icantremember :)
Must have an excess of S21 128GB after Samsung offer of 256GB for 128 price.