Dolby Atmos on sale I've never seen it on sale.
This licence adds decoding of Dolby Atmos to a stereo audio output.
Need to be done through the xbox not website as that only gives free trial.
Dolby Atmos on sale I've never seen it on sale.
This licence adds decoding of Dolby Atmos to a stereo audio output.
Need to be done through the xbox not website as that only gives free trial.
Windows Sonic has an equaliser too.
It's not an equaliser if you're watching movies or playing games through a compatible receiver with multiple speakers…
The app gives full Atmos support to compatible receivers for free.
This paid unlock is to purely decode the Atmos signal to a 2ch headphone output.
I've got a 5.1.2 Atmos setup and use Atmos from the Xbox One X without this payment.
Why would anyone not do their research before going off?
I mean, women voted for ScoMo
Middle and lower class people voted for Scomo as well, which says a lot about the media in general that they've convinced these people that a party with a heavily anti-union stance has their best interests at heart.
How'd I get into a rant about the Liberal party on a post about Dolby Atmos again?
Women in the general public backed Shorten despite the allegations hanging over head. The women MPs of Labor, could have picked someone else, instead tried to make him the PM. Why? They thought he was their best chance to get ahead.
Politicians are all in it for themselves. The voting public aren't much better. People are prepared to overlook any number of flaws of the end result favours them.
Yeah I thought this too. These companies never cease to surprise me with their ways of extracting money from people. Now they want to get people into a subscription model for an audio feature.
Are you going to seriously enjoy the movie or game less if you don’t have surround sound? Stereo speakers with subwoofer does the job for me.
When I was young, TVs had a little speaker in the corner and we still enjoyed the movies and games.
It's not a subscription it's a one time purchase. TV makers need to pay a license for this to put it on there tvs.
If you love to experience the games at it's best it's worth it.
It says "subscription" right there in the title. I also thought this sounded ridiculous.
When I was young, TVs had a little speaker in the corner and we still enjoyed the movies and games.
Dad, is that u?
But seriously, would u be able to go back and enjoy it the same way now that u've tasted better? I find it funny when ppl say this.. that was the best tech u could get at that time, so no doubt.. but time has changed, tech has changed and tastes have changed as well, certainly.
I still love my GBA. It doesn't have high fidelity audio or surround sound and I still enjoy it the same as when I was a kid. The real problem is the dpad is almost dead.
@Valowick: You know what u will love more? GBA with Dolby Atmos and Dolby Vision. Don't knock it until you've tried it. Now if only someone could develop it for u.. hmm!
u r missing the point here mate!
@ggbhai: No you changed your original argument. I can still enjoy my old games for what they were same as when I first played them. I still play Diablo 2, FF7(8,9), FF Tactics, MGS1(2,3), super Mario 64, Zelda Link to the Past, Pokemon Silver, Metroid Prime, Tekken 2, Breath of Fire 2, Chrono trigger, original Demon’s Souls, etc. New technology doesn’t invalidate or degrade old content.
New technology doesn’t invalidate or degrade old content.
No, but it sure can make old or new content a lot better than before.
@fatal: Except this wasn’t the original argument.
would u be able to go back and enjoy it the same way now that u've tasted better?
My answer was yes. Yes I can. Also new technology doesn’t always make old games, genres and content better. There’s an entire transition period between high quality 2D sprite games that stand the test of time and hideous 3D games with eye gouging aesthetic choices that are not an improvement.
Are you going to seriously enjoy the movie or game less if you don’t have surround sound?
Personally I have had very good results with this on PC using a headset. It really helps the spacial sound shine for supported content.
Sonic is free. Does similar.
Just my opinion, but the Dolby Atmos sounds better than Sonic. Seems a bit more spatial and open.
Agreed! Also if people want to use a htpc with a Dolby Atmos sound system this is the only way 🙂
Dolby Atmos delivers virtualized spatial sound like Windows Sonic, but there's also dedicated hardware and special Dolby Atmos headphones designed to work in conjunction with it to provide the best aural experience.
Generally, Dolby Atmos is considered slightly superior to Windows Sonic.…
I'm playing immoral fenyx rising and I purchased it and instantly I could hear a difference on my rig headset.
Confirmation bias?
Unfortunate side-effect of human subjectivity. Remedies: objective measurement, ABX, or consult a Vulcan.
…and the most fundamental truth of consumerism - we tend to buy emotionally and justify rationally.
But if believing he/she/they can hear the difference through some headphones with some cheap 40mm drivers in a RIG gaaaaaaaamerrrrrrrrr headset - then good luck to him/her/them.
then good luck to him/her/them.
it don’t last. A new gadget will similarly overturn previous satisfaction just as promptly. That’s why objectivity trumps subjectivity.
@[Deactivated]: I'm only telling my experience. I have been playing immortal fenyx for 20 plus hours without dolby as soon as I added it I felt the sound surrounding me.
I suppose spend $500 is a better option to get better audio?
It's only $16. Unless you have experienced it you actually don't have an opinion on the experience you can only assume.
Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse where a person or group makes someone question their sanity, perception of reality, or memories. People experiencing gaslighting often feel confused, anxious, and unable to trust themselves.
Gaslighting not at all.
@[Deactivated]: Someone pointing out that you are talking out of your rear end is not gaslighting. Grow up.
Has been on sale once or twice atleast. Very rare though.
I really dislike how they've locked "the full audio experience" away behind a paywall.
Yep, let's hope competition from DTS stops that crap.
Well, in my experience it’s not as good, and it costs.
YMMV on DTS for headphones, it’s also available.
Money grabbing. Shouldnt this be part of the games or movies?! MS soon will charge you the HDR option in games.
Not really, the opposite in fact.
Dolby licenses are expensive. So Microsoft has excluded them from the price of the console and instead included their own alternative (i.e. Windows Sonic).
If you really want Dolby Atmos/DTS support then you can pay for the license fee yourself with this app.
It seems like a reasonable compromise to me.
Yes and at least they offer this unlike Sony.
Sony's EQ and sound quality tech is already renowned in its own right, though.
Sony has a free app in PS4 similar to this but for just for Sony PS brand headsets tho.
@AussieGargain: So entirely useless then, because Sony's Playstation headsets are complete plastic junk.
Remember every dollar paid to get this MS gets a cut of it.
If it was bundled into the cost of every console it would only add $1 to the price. By splitting it out it's way more expensive.
Just bad.
How many consoles are Microsoft going to sell ?
100m so that’s an additional 100m in costs assuming it’s only $1 per console
That’s 100 million dollars by the time they sell 100 million xboxes.
Both XBox and PlayStation are loss-leaders. Incorporating additional license would be a bad finance.
You don't need to buy it. It's there if you want to enhance your audio experience.
Sony is charging $120 for a $70 game and you want to call this out?
Xbox is the cheapest way to play many games this $16 is nothing if you love your games.
It's only more expensive to a consumer though.
Wouldn't you be mad at Dolby. They are the one's who designed the Atmos ecosystem so that a decoder needs a licence. Buy a soundbar or receiver with an Atmos headphone output or pay MS. But be mad at Dolby for capitalising on their work creating this object based audio codec.
Unfortunately, we have a bunch of kids trawling here, who know how to spend $750+ for a console and games using dad's money but know nothing about licensing.
It seems you’re an expert about licensing, and it seems MS’s attempt to charge a “licensing” fee for used games is okay to you too.
You don't have to buy the licence. Microsoft isn't forcing you. Purely giving you the option to buy atmos if you like. This is dolby fee not Microsoft.
This has been on a sale a few times. ☺️ If you miss it, it will come around again.
I wish I could pay for a subscription for Dolby vision on my Samsung tv 😭
Isn't that different? I thought it would need a hardware component as well?
Originally yes. But Dolby made a software version to bring it to more devices
Only way to get it is buying something from hdfury
The arcana gets you Dolby atmos on the tv
I believe there is a product that converts Dolby vision to hdr10+ on the Samsung
That’s the one
Pity it doesn’t have all the features of arcana
Hopefully they release vertex 3
Is this for PC or Xbox? or both?
It says for both but all the specs mention having a Windows 10 machine?
The new Xbox doesn't come with Atmos as standard?
No but its free for amps you only have to pay for if you want it via headphones
So the Dolby license is output related and not machine related? The asshat things they do in licensing…
yep i dont use headphones but its activated to amp for free
@BuDWiZe: That would be because you amp has dolby atmos built in. If you don't have dolby atmos built into amp/speakers it believe it would be active.
In your case you have already purchased the licence within the purchase of your amp. But is only for the amp.
Lol at the person siding with Dolby.
They got their money for the console license, this is just another shake down
@bowtiehoon: The same codec shakedown…
as MPEG2 and MPEG4 ASF, HEVC, AV1, Real Audio, and most of the other codecs you will invisibly download from the Microsoft/Sony store, or are allowed to be included with the Windows Media Player software.
If you believe it’s a con, that’s fair. You are also paying for the trademark logo whenever you download a game, movie or app that has the Dolby or DTS logo too. Licensing is a shakedown with legal contract laws being contorted to protect someone’s extortion, or multiple extortions and legally binding punishments and cautionary actions under legal agreement.
The “shakedown” has been there since like 1992-95 with MPEG-1 video and audio, and it’s why people have nearly always had to get codec packs to stream movies, before internet browsers were able to license and include video decoders, which also requires browser able to run DRM and trust platforms like WideVine DRM.
This makes sense if you understand how Dolby makes money. It’s not just creators encoding their movies and TV content with Dolby, it’s the use of the Trademark logo, and the use of the codec or logo, in every player or app that will include the Dolby product name and logo. This also includes the Shop/Store that has access to movies or rental content, or games with Dolby/DTS audio too.
DTS has a similar relationship, but they also want to track the usage to increase the royalty fees they can charge for, sic. Which is probably why you don’t see DTS on streaming sites as they want to charge money for the logo usage multiple times per person/device.
The only reason that Dolby AND DTS are “selling” the free app, is because they want to double-check the client rollout, so they can charge Microsoft and Sony even more money under the auspice of offering “headphone” features.
It’s also why streaming sites avoid Dolby and DTS like the plague when/if they can, since it’s not a one-time fee.
They probably feel screwed over by charging only once for a one-time fee, including their DTS and DTS-HD audio decoder(s) across billions of computers, phones and consoles, and the separate app can nickel-and-dime Microsoft and Sony for ongoing access, and charge users for access even if they don’t use the codec, just the trademark logo.
Even the Xbox Bluray & UHD player has to download the Bluray app from the MS console store on a fresh console, it’s not there by default. Same with the PS4/5, it has to download and update the licenses to watch content,
Same as Netflix; there is a license to download and decode content via Widevine DRM, which is ‘free’, but it’s still there.
In the case of codec packs, they use ‘unlicensed’ decoders which are often (or arguably) open-source, like XviD and x264, x265 which are generally not available for commercial use because MPEG members like Sony, Samsung, etc. would block it.
You have always have to “pay” (indirectly) for the decode license, it’s why DTS isn’t always included with some TVs and they have problems playing streaming video files with DTS or DTS:HD-MA 7.1 audio over streaming sites, similar to the Hardware restrictions with WideVine DRM preventing HD video playback.
Dolby, their “Atmos” brand is a marketing exercise and cash grab, as it also installs DRM into the Windows and Xbox audio decoder chain, similar to Sony in the 2000’s and 2010’s with XCP and Cinavia, among other DRMs that Sony helped develop, sic.
Dolby has always been a bit arrogant about Atmos, but it is not necessary, nor is it the best HRTF or virtual 7.1 surround for headphones. It’s just the most popular brand with slick marketing.
You can get something very similar with the new PS5 headphones, and the new Xbox Wireless headphones.
If you have a PC, you can download free software to emulate Atmos for Headphones and DTS Headphones:X, called HeSuVi which can swap between different types of virtual surround sound, like Sennheiser’s, Creative Labs, “Windows Sonic” Dolby HT, and about 30 other HRTF / virtual surround or 7.1 surround sound on headphones.
You probably won’t get this on the Xbox or PS5, but it could be doable within a game if they add a similar process into their game engine as a spatial/object audio encoder and virtualisation layer. It just won’t be system wide unless it can access the raw audio chain.
So if you want to connect headphones via controller you need to buy this to get atmos, but if you connect headphones via amp you’re fine?
Not free for amps. Only if your amp/speaker purchase has dolby atmos. If you brought a speaker amp without atmos this will help your speakers perform better.
I have a series x and this is only for headset. Speakers and sound bars included already.
Dolby Atmos / DTS is already included if outputting to a compatible soundbar or amplifier
Not sure it's even needed for Headphones. I did the trial a while back and found it muffled voices in movies. YMMV.
It is needed if the speakers amp doesn't have dolby atmos built in. This creates dolby atmos for non dolby atmos devices.
But what's the point? If the speakers/soundbar don't support Atmos then they'll support DD5.1/DTS which is natively supported by Xbox games and is included as an audio stream embedded in Blu-ray alongside the Atmos soundtrack.
I can just see the point for headphones as they allow spatial sound.
But speakers (particularly where no location information about those speakers is known to the Atmos decoder) makes no sense to me.
Happy to be wrong and would be interested to hear others' take on this.
@mingofmongo: Yer I guess a 5.1 system won't help much but it could possibly help 3.1 system but I haven't tried it so not sure.
I actually have 3.1 soundbar so I could try and see.
@mingofmongo: DD 5.1 is lower quality than Atmos, so the soundtrack for that is a lower bandwidth.
Dolby TrueHD is on par with Atmos just without the additional speakers/spacial information.
My understanding is that this will allow software decoding of Atmos to send as a bitstream via PCM if your receiver cannot decode TrueHD/Atmos
@Harold Halfprice: Imperceptibly so - DD uses compression (just like Spotify/iTunes/MP3) which PCM isn't and Atmos probably doesn't. (Probably because Atmos over HDMI can be uncompressed or compressed depending on what HDMI standard is supported by all devices)
The real advantage of Atmos is that it generates spatial information in real time based on (a) the location of the speakers and (b) the game's spatial location for each individual sound source. I don't see how this can really work for a typical soundbar that doesn't support Atmos natively.
You don't understand what's happening here.
This is so the Xbox outputs in a format for Dolby Atmos, so Dolby Atmos devices can play it.
If you don't have a Dolby Atmos device, this is completely pointless.
It is free for home theatre systems, and always has been.
The cost is purely for HEADPHONES as mentioned.
Again, if your headphones don't support Dolby Atmos, this is useless.
@[Deactivated]: Not quite right newjerseydamo
Yes you need the Dolby Atmos app in order to output to a Dolby Atmos device such as an Atmos soundbar or speaker system. However for this use the app is FREE.
You can also pay the $20 for the Atmos licensed which will do the following:
1) decode Atmos and downconvert to whatever format your Xbox is set to transmit over HDMI. This is effectively pointless, even for Blu-ray and 4k Blu-ray as they will always have a properly mixed 5.1/7.1 audio track embedded alongside a positional audio track such as dtsX or Atmos
2) allow ANY STEREO HEADPHONES TO SIMULATE DOLBY ATMOS POSITIONAL AUDIO. Atmos is positional audio. Combined with an HRTF model that can be applied to ANY stereo headphones (with varying levels of success). The headphones DO NOT need to support Dolby Atmos. Atmos is in software for this purpose and is hardware agnostic.
Thanks, you made me save some cash.
I guess this applies for PS5 too, being it will be sent without decoding the stream
Is this just a software Dolby Atmos decoder or does it do more?
Would this allow my Logitech G935s to do Dolby digital ATMOS sound on PC?
Or just Xbox?
Thanks for clarifying, I had Dolby headphones previously and found the sound superior to DTS, I don't need these at all for box but I think I will pick it up for PC.
This is also for PC
Those moaning about licensing costs - remember Windows 10 was free for a year or two at release. Now it’s not. If this was included, Microsoft would have to pay Dolby $$ for each copy you guys illegally download from the Media Creation Tool without having a genuine license.
It has been like this for a long time. XP needed DVD decoders, vista, etc and it’s related to patents, royalties and licensing.
why should they pay licensing for every copy of Windows/Xbox? Not everyone is going to use it.
In this instance you have the licensing and the fact that it features one of Dolby’s newest surround encoders for headphones.
Always great to see a peasant defending the business practices of a multi billion dollar company…
This peasant relies on this company, and some others in that sector, to feed his offspring. Of course I’m going to defend my livelihood lol
What is the normal price?
25% higher
Why would anyone pay for a equaliser function?