Deal is back. I got it from previous sale and enjoying it still.
Previous deal:
Focal Clear Professional Open Back Headphones - $1199 Delivered (Was $1499) @ Addicted to Audio

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You are the perfect Beats customer, I suggest you look at their range….
I’m just saying that if Kmart sold this for $30 and it looked the same but had different drivers but sounded like $30 headphones cheap, I wouldn’t think anything of it. But I’d be surprised to see something that looks like Sony’s premium aluminium headphones or even the Airpod Max design being sold for $30 at Kmart. And bluetooth these days transmits data at a rate much faster than a CD is read, so sound quality loss over wireless isn’t an issue anymore. And you’d want expensive headphones tunes to the specific built in amp, instead of being the jack of all trades being tuned to wound beet with any amp it might need to be plugged into. Having a consistent level and quality of amplification and DAC available when designing headphones makes wireless potentially sound better than plugging the same headphones into particular amps. Many wired headphones are meant to be self driving, but they do sound different on different amplifiers and benefit from greater amplification. Wireless headphones let the audio engineers at these headphone companies design or choose their own DAC and amp used in wireless mode.
@AustriaBargain: With the current iteration of wireless, the quality is crap. Your brain is sophisticated and adapts to the sound even though it's garbage. Have a demo of the focals instead of talking off things you don't know about.
I had no idea of the focals until I had a demo and that changed my mind
@AustriaBargain: the DAC built into wireless gear is always going to be shittier. All of them will be closed-back, which is already a turn off for the target audience of $1200 headphones.
If you don't like the look, then fine. But don't go comparing audiophile $1200 headphones to wireless headphones. They're two products for different target audiences. If you think BT sounds as good or good enough, you're not the target audience for this kind of product. Stick to your Sony/Bose.
You're like a guy who complains that Ferraris are a rip off, and if they had the same body but had the internals replaced with that of a Kia at Kia prices it would be more reasonable. Ferraris are a rip off, but not to their intended audience.
@AustriaBargain: you clearly dont understand the selling point of this headphone… Its open back. this means you sit at home and listen. no need for wireless
Focal is not for you @Austriabargain - Try skull candy, they exactly as you described.
Putting aside the BT comment. Focal's design language can be divisive.
It’s true tho. The normal Clears are far better looking than the pro.
If you're listening over Bluetooth, you're sacrificing quality for convenience. Wired is way better than Bluetooth in its current iteration
Way better how? If you are listening to master tracks in a sound proof room I would agree.
@onlinepred: In its current iteration the Bluetooth protocol compresses and decompresses the music to be able to transmit wirelessly. That compression is lossy and gets latency in there. You need two or more generations of technology to improve things.
And that's even when taking the best codecs out there like ldac etc
@Raj09: Yes, but even on average codecs, you would need to sit in a silent sound proof room to tell the difference. Aptx ll and HD are great. Also AAC on iPhone OS very good. If I am critical listening, I’m not listening from a phone anyway lol.
@onlinepred: Oh yes. I agree. I forgot to put my use case. I don't listen over phone anyway. I play games and listen on my pc. The focals are ideal there. I would go wireless on phones as well. Most phones are not meant for critical listening
Context : I am not au audiophile only enjoy music and if I can do so without selling an arm or a leg with decent headphone I like to share my insights 😉
Great cans, I have these in the collection. Note there is a new Mg model which probably explains the discount.
Nah this is a regular discount from AtA, as they are the repairer and reseller in Australia. They also regularly do deals for the Elear, as well as B-stock for Utopia for around $3000.
Interested in your thoughts on these versus the ATH-R70X if you've heard them.
Haven't heard the ATH-R70X. I did A-B the Clear against Utopia and decided the SQ upgrade was not worth the price difference for my ears. Ahh, remember days gone by where dealers let you try the demo stock…
Yeah I've heard the Clear is the best break point, and considering the price points that's a fair call.
I had ATH-R70x and Focal Clear before.
Focal clear is a class or two above R70x.Even for timbre and treble presentation? What amp?
Shame they don't come in blue…
Would you buy them if they were blue?
It would depend on the price.
Would you buy them at this price?
Also worth noting that the Focal Arche & Focal Clear Professional bundle is also discounted to $2,499. I have heard this combo setup while in store at A2A and it is superb. The Arche is really something. If I had not purchased the Burson Conductor 3X Performance, this would be a 'clear' choice. I got the Clear Professional from the previous deal BTW and it is worth the money. I also had a small issue with my unit and A2A addressed it very quickly.
I think I would rather spend the $1300 on a new headphone/amp combo and enjoy a different sonic experience.
I've got the Focal Clear and the Burson Conductor 3x. I changed the amp to the Focal Arche and it's a much better pairing to the Clear. Arche is discontinued now and is heavily discounted. My next upgrade is the Clear to the Mg or maybe even the Utopia. The current Focal Arche & Focal Clear Professional Bundle for $2499 is one heck of a deal.
Christ, this cost almost as much as rtx 3070
Is there a chance these aren't for gamers/miners/animators?
These headphones will still be amazing in 10 years. Rtx 3070 will be slower than a tablet
Has anyone here tried both the Arya and the Clear?
Most reviewers seem to favour the Arya slightly, but those results are in relation to pricing being quite similar at the time. I am not sure if I should jump on this deal or hold out for the Arya if we are taking value into account as well.
At those prices I wouldn’t buy without trying them both first (if possible)
Everyone hears differentlyThe Arya is in a different price bracket now, a better comparison may be the Ananda at $999. Some would argue though, the Ananda can be complementary to the Clear depending on what kind of music genre you listen to.
Be mindful which Clear model the Arya is being compared to.
I'm hoping to chime in here. I am an audiophile and am selling ALL my gear except for my LCD2 Fazors and starting an endgame journey.
Could focal users confirm if these Focals are sonically IDENTICAL to the Focal Clears? I understand the difference in packaging/accessories already.
I'd be pairing there with an RME ADI2 fs? Many ThanksAll comments I saw in the forum sayid it's just Focal Clear with cosmetic/colour change.
Yes I have those. They come recommended. My endgame in dynamic headphones