Uniqlo's New Terrible Return Policy

I've just discovered that Uniqlo has recently changed their returns policy. The main changes are:

  • Items bought online can no longer be returned for a refund in store, must be returned by post and you will be deducted $8 from your refund
  • Items bought in store must be brought back to the SAME store for a refund

I've only found this out after making a large online order, plus having also bought items in a store that was way out of my way that I now need to return.

I don't know why they've changed it, but this is a terrible decision and would definitely discourage me from purchasing in the future. Full details are here

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  • +2

    Maybe they are separating the business into franchises or online/brick and mortar in the future. The online return thing is common now a days

  • +6

    “ Should you need to exchange your online purchase, this can be done at any of our stores. Simply take your item and your receipt to any UNIQLO Australia store to process an exchange”

    Wonder if they’d let you exchange online purchases for a new item in a store and then return the new items for a full refund? ;-)

    • This is a good idea! I will test this out and see if it works. Still a convoluted way to go about getting a refund.

      • Ooh nice hack, exchange for a different size so not too suss.

      • -1

        how d the test go ?

    • -1

      does exchange come with new 30day receipt "?
      what if the product value is same or different ?

  • -7

    but this is a terrible decision and would definitely discourage me from purchasing in the future.

    Sounds like you have just been relocating their stock from one store to another.
    They can do whatever they want with returns that aren’t faulty, including telling you to suck eggs.
    Why purchase from a store ‘way out of your way’ if you are just going to return it? Surely you would have tried the clothing on in store and knew it would fit properly. Why all the returns? You should know your Uniqlo size by now if you purchase so many of their clothes.
    Unless you are wearing outfits to stream and returning them after being worn.

    • +4

      Why purchase from a store ‘way out of your way’ if you are just going to return it? Surely you would have tried the clothing on in store and knew it would fit properly.

      Ever heard of Tasmanian parents buying clothes for their children while interstate? Not every state has a UNIQLO store. Sometimes I buy clothes from UNIQLO while interstate (however I’m an adult and know my sizes)

      • -3

        No, I've never heard of that. Does Uniqlo stock shirts with two neck holes?

      • +2

        If you are happy with the size and product why would you need to return it unless faulty? If it’s change of mind when you get home then how is that Uniqlos fault? If someone buys the incorrect size you can exchange it for the correct one.
        If you purchase clothes from interstate/intercontinental stores you have to be content with paying shipping both ways, that’s how life works. Otherwise find clothes at a local store where you can exchange or refund at will.

        • Yep, definitely not a parent.

          If someone bought an item in a Victorian UNIQLO store, they should be able to return it at a non-Victorian UNIQLO store. Or even a different Victorian store to the one they originally purchased it at …

    • +2

      Why purchase from a store ‘way out of your way’ if you are just going to return it? Surely you would have tried the clothing on in store and knew it would fit properly.

      I’ve often been passing the CBD store on my lunch break while in a rush and bought a number of things to try on at home and return to my local suburban store if they don’t fit. I do know my uniqlo size but sometimes it’s off.

      All this is going to do is stop me from buying the 5 things that do fit on the off chance I have to return 1.

    • I prefer to try clothes on at home with different outfits, to see what I like and what suits best. Fashion isn't just about size.

      The point is I probably wouldn't have made these orders knowing the prohibitive return policy, and seems like it is a bad policy on Uniqlo's part. Especially for an organisation of this size and calibre

  • Consumer law says you're allowed to recover reasonable costs for getting a refund from the business. They can't charge you postage to get a refund.

    • +6

      That is only for faulty items, change of mind is a different story.

      • +1

        Oh right good point. I guess it is fair to charge for return postage but you should be allowed to return in person to any storefront :-/

  • UNIQLO always had a convoluted returns process. This is from a few years ago:

    • only supervisor can make returns (unlike other stores like Myer and David Jones)
    • if a register has done too many refunds in one day, another one must be used
    • I mean, only supervisors can do returns at Coles and woollies too so it’s nothing unusual.

      • Those are supermarkets though

    • I worked at Best & Less 20 years ago and only a supervisor could authorise a refund. This is nothing new in retail.

  • It's change of mind. they're probably tired of people just buying stuff and getting buyers remorse.

    • +1

      Probably tired of people buying things in 10 different sizes hoping one will fit, then returning the 100 items that didn't fit.

  • +1

    Thanks for the heads up OP. I'm one of those that buy a couple different sizes online to try on and see what fits, then return the other size. This new rule is definitely going to make me hesitate buying from uniqlo online in future.
    Do they lose money processing returns in store? It seems like they'll be losing customers instead, with this new returns policy…

    • I hope they and other businesses like it do lose you. And everyone like you.

      It’s this selfish, entitled behaviour that puts pressure on them to change policy like this.

      • Actually it's the smarter way to shop. Especially when you're unsure of sizing. During covid people don't want to go into store to try different sizes to see what fits. Buying a few items helps achieve free shipping.

        What if you buy one item, have to return it, then find out they don't have the other size in store?

    • It seems like they'll be losing customers instead, with this new returns policy

      Unlikely! Most people aren't OzBargainers who check returns policy before buying.

      • +1

        Yeah they might not know about it in the beginning, but once they need to return something and find out about the new policy, they might be more hesitant to buy in future…

        • Yes for sure! i was about to buy online but with such convoluted returns policy now I think I won't bother as its not worth the hassle. Even if you are confident of size sometimes the style etc can be so different in real life so a returns policy should be more flex for online not the opposite

          • -1

            @pinkscarf: tried 2 of the same style in diff colours instore — the arm lengths didnt match yet both were same size

  • They only do this to get rid of policies (and customers) that lose them money.

    Move on and dont shop there.

  • any experience with click & collect returns?

  • The $8 fee sucks as can't claim PayPal free return?

  • Yep, tried to return an item to a Uniqlo store but was told can only do an exchange unless i go to the original point of sale store. Pretty inconvient.

  • i asked a sales assistant for two XXS size tops and they said XXS are online only…
    then asked how a refund/exchange would work for the home delivery, he said we'd have to return it with postage,
    but also hesitantly said that specific store would gladly process it if we brought it to them.

    unsure whether i want to take a chance on such overpriced uniqlo products these days.
    can also do a click&collect apparently for easier refunding; but would have to go out of my way to pick it up first..


    • Yeah, ever since they introduced this returns policy, I've rarely shopped at Uniqlo anymore. Unless I'm 100% sure of sizing. But it's a bit risky if it's a style I've never tried before…

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