I just ordered this light bulb from the US and it just crossed my mind that it might not work here. I know nothing about electrical stuff. Its 120v, can i just screw it in or do i have to do something special to it?
…… Like get refund.
Will this light bulb work in Australia??

Last edited 31/03/2021 - 20:54
Damn…. Cancelled the order :(
Won't work on Australian 240V mains power.
Also that's an incredibly bright bulb for normal use (eg. ~8x brighter than a standard domestic light bulb)I know i was just buying it for the lols.
Why would you buy an LED light globe from the other side of the planet?
Improving his carbon footprint rating?
OP’s username checks out.
Dont we all buy led light globes from the other side of the planet?
no, only the power in plain boxes
I’m very glad this was a post of “will this work” and not “I put this in my house and it blew up, now my insurance won’t cover me”.
Do you mean mains power is not universally the same like USB charging.
“IsN’t eLeCtRiCty tHe sAmE eVeRyWhErE.”… 🤯
There's also a 45W version listed for special order at the Bunnings. These Osram bulbs seem much larger than the one the OP posted and have lower lumens per watt ratings. I would not be surprised if OP's bulb isoverstating the luminous flux and/or has inadequate heat sinking.
Because some people just can't read :)
Next time you look at anything overseas check the voltage and frequency are okay before buying.
If it's 120V only then no, it won't work. Will likely blow up.