More of a PSA than a bargain, so please don’t broden it. So apparently NSW Fire and Rescue will inspect your premises to Supply and Install smoke alarms free of charge. Winter is almost around the corner especially the use of heaters and electric blankets considered as high risk.
Their property inspection will check for optimal placements and install them where appropriate.
Please keep in mind to not take too much of their time from attending to fires. Hope this saves your life and property.
You can submit your details for your local fire department to call you back.
Everyone can benefit from a Safety Visit, however there are people within our communities that are statistically at higher risk of incidents occurring, including:
- Over 65’s
- Those who live alone.
- People with limited mobility, hearing impairments or vision impairments.
- Residents who are supported by carers, family and friends.
- And anyone with English as a second language.
This service is not available to landlords in untenanted premises, for landlords responsibilities please refer to Division 7A of Part 9 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 for more information.
Everyone can benefit from a Safety Visit, however there are people within our communities that are statistically at higher risk of incidents occurring, including:
Over 65’s.
Those who live alone.
People with limited mobility, hearing impairments or vision impairments.
Residents who are supported by carers, family and friends.