Swann Camera Not Auto Recording

Was helping old mate to set up his security camera this one and had to give up in the end.

It connects to the phone app OK and I can manually record and live view etc but it wont auto record if we walk past the camera. I've tried different sensitivity settings, moved the camera to different locations, reconnected it a couple of times. Have done latest FW update. Google was no help.

Does anyone have any experience with Swann products and might have some tips?



  • Yeah it drove me nuts

    But the good thing is 24 hour customer service line
    I rang up and then they couldn't fix

    They said they would ring again in 24 hours to higher manager
    and he fixed it

    But if I had choice I would not go swann again

    • OK thanks. I'll have another go at their support team but if they can't fix it I'll suggest old mate gets a refund.


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