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[Windows] Hard Disk Sentinel Standard 5.61 $0 @ Give Away of The Day


An Oldie but a goodie.
Don't forget to use a disposable email address like https://temp-mail.org/en

*Detect Hard Drive Issues Before Catastrophe Strikes. With Hard Disk Sentinel, you'll always have a complete overview of your hard disk drive's health, so you can spot potential problems before they result in an irrecoverable data catastrophe. Hard Disk Sentinel is your key to identifying, testing, diagnosing, and repairing hard drive problems, even with Solid State Drives.

With Hard Disk Sentinel, you can instantly see reports detailing the total health of your drive, including temperature, self-monitoring data, transfer speeds, and more. Any deviation in these factors could be an early warning sign of impending drive failure! Hard Disk Sentinel also works on hard disks that are being used in external USB or e-SATA enclosures and RAID controllers. No need to use separate tools to verify internal hard disks, external hard disks, SSDs, disks in RAID arrays as these are all included in a single software. If your data is important, you owe it to yourself to get a copy of Hard Disk Sentinel today!*

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closed Comments

  • +3

    When you actually need this software, you will need to have pro version as this version does not allow drive testing. So it might tell you that there may be issues with the drive but performing tests will need to have pro version.

    • For a lot of SMART data you don't need tests, its a clear indicator that the drive is on the way out and you should backup and stop using it.

      The only semi useful one I'm aware of is for pending sectors, which can sometimes indicate a drive becoming faulty, but can sometimes just need the drive to attempt to write to that sector again and everything will be fine (Sometimes happens in power outages or other issues)

  • -6

    So generally useless. Not hard to know when you have a broken drive

    • Once you have a broken drive how are you going to recover the data? Pay $500-1000 to a professional?

      • +1

        Once you have a broken drive, you're just going to restore your backup from another drive.

        ALL hard drives fail - if you're loosing data when your drives fail, you're doing something very wrong…

        • Choosing to wait until a drive is completely broken, just to restore it from backups seems very silly to me.

          I on the other hand just restore the data to a replacement drive before the drive has failed.

          This is especially important as most people don't keep backups of 10-100TB of data, in fact, most people don't keep backups at all.

          I think its quite silly to assume that all failures are not a problem because you have your guaranteed backup.

          • @samfisher5986:

            Choosing to wait until a drive is completely broken, just to restore it from backups seems very silly to me.

            You have no choice if a drive experiences total failure.

            I on the other hand just restore the data to a replacement drive before the drive has failed

            Me too - and that's exactly why this software exists 👍

            As soon as your drive(s) start having an issue, you can take action.

            most people don't keep backups of 10-100TB of data, in fact, most people don't keep backups at all.

            And ? Those people will be screwed when their drives fail. Luckily everyone reading this thread is informed 👌

            • @Nom: Total failure is much less common in my experience.

              People with 10-100TB of data aren't screwed, you can use this software + a form of raid if backups are too expensive.

    • +2

      It can give you advanced warning of SMART errors before they might be discernible to the end user. So you can be more proactive with addressing the fault rather than just waiting for the obvious drive failure.

  • +8

    Thanks… Sister-in-law's birthday coming up next week… Saves me looking for a present…

    • I guess this deal is only valid for today.
      You can look at https://www.ozbargain.com.au/freebies for more gift options

      • +1

        "Free Brushed Loose Potatoes" looks tempting…

        As long as border to WA stays open.

  • it might tell you that there may be issues with the drive ?

    then whats the point of this software ?

    • Once the software flags a drive as faulty, you can start the warranty process to get the drive replaced, rather than waiting (potentially until the warranty has expired !) for the drive to completely fail.

      • no you need to use the pro version to do the test,
        since it won't scam ur drive wth does the flag based on?
        it make me feel like the flag just random or based the power on time., totallly useless.

        • No you don't need the Pro version, SMART data is continuous - scanning your drive to find faults is a seperate scenario to faults indicated by SMART data.
          I suggest you go and learn how SMART data works instead of inventing your own expansions - "random or based on the power on time" is totally inaccurate.

          • @Nom: dude i know what a SMART is, no need to talk like this.
            SMART just records of ur hard drive activities, it will not tell you ur hdd is about to fail until it actually failed !
            some software companies extract those info and do their own calculation to predict you hdd is about to fail, but thats very inaccurate.
            From what i have read few years back the chance ar 50:50, so when i said "random", it s not totally BS.
            if this "Hard Disk Sentinel" using only "SMART data", then i don't see why ppl should to get this instead of the free CrystalDiskInfo??

            also fyi "the power on time" is one of the "SMART data", not sure about this "Hard Disk Sentinel" since it never mention anything about the SMART, but for CrystalDiskInfo it definitely used to calculated the status.

  • This program doesn't open or even auto start without administrative access. (btw if you set your date to during this post https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/606855, you can use this post to get it free)

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