Currently the cheapest price for a Family Q, undercutting AO price of $699
Credit to Xiangtan for the original post highlighting Myer is having a sale
Currently the cheapest price for a Family Q, undercutting AO price of $699
Credit to Xiangtan for the original post highlighting Myer is having a sale
hence the word 'currently'
Hence my past tense reference to the deal ;)
touche ;)
I thought this mob went under years ago? Looking at their website, looks like they're almost entirely based in WA
Can these be modified to fit natural gas? Or is it best to buy one that is made for natural gas?
definitely buy one specifically for NG, too much hassle and probably void your warranty doing a mod
Thank you
Suncorp rewards has Myer gift cards at 5% off..
A quick look around greater Melbourne, no stock for free C&C. Dam
Shame they don't have the high lid with thermo
Was cheaper on eBay via appliances online at $620