Hi Guys,
We are launching an Aussie online store for your gaming needs, today is a very soft opening and to encourage people to test out the site what better way than to offer a 5% discount on all products.
Please bare in mind we are still in a soft launch phase and some processes may not be as smooth as they should be.
Just having a look around, not really in need of any products, but I noticed that when I changed the shipping country the cost did not change. Might effect you guys down the line with international orders, I know it costs much more than $5 to ship 1kg from Aus to NZ, let alone the Bahamas, might just be your shipping policy, not sure.
And just putting it out there that this might be negged as spam/ad as there is no real bargain. Unless the proices are extremely cheap and the 5% ontop tips it to bargain status, which I am not sure as I rarely purchase/play games anymore.
Also there is no ABN that I can see, and obviously not one associated to the domain.
Also this, seems to be a bit suspicious if you ask me:
Administrative Contact
Private Whois ozgamestore.com
Private Whois ozgamestore.com ********************@oqjij874d9300d54bd95.privatewhois.net
****Contact the owner by email only****
c/o ozgamestore.com
N4892 Nassau
Tel: +852.81720004
Why you are hiding your Whois is beyond me if you want to appear legit.