LG CX 48". With the current 5% coupon (https://www.jbhifi.com.au/pages/5-off-coupon) and 5% off from Giftcards. Brings it down to $2547.17 (with 26 shipping). Is this as good as it gets?
Good Time to Buy LG OLED from JB?

Lfafsdfadfabcfbc on 27/03/2021 - 17:31
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Thanks! had no idea
Unless you have a very specific set-up, I'd pick up the 55" for marginally more.
Have this small cutout wall mount unfortunately
Would question the point of a $2.5k OLED at that size personally. It's far far too small to be worthwhile.
Is this as good as it gets?
🔮 is showing something as clear as your username ;)
I bought a CX 65 from JB at $3250 + $49 delivery. They might come down up just a bit more in the next few months once the new models arrive.
The new models are supposed to bit a bit cheaper than last years, going off of US and EU pricing.
LG C1s are apparently just about to hit shelves.