Safety Boots That Are Better than $79 Target Ones for Wet Weather

So I bought these for a new job over a year ago now

Graphite Bunker Safety Boots $79

They are great but after 10-12 months of daily usage in wet weather and just lots of walking they have cracked and basically torn apart at the crucial bending spots near the toe especially along the steel cap part.

Now I don't want to have to throw away a new pair of boots every year but at this rate it looks like I will be going through a pair every year.

Because I am heavily dominant right foot my right shoe has completely broken around the steel toe and the sides.

The sole on these shoes are great usually my problem with past shoes but non steel cap safety boots is the sole wearing down making an uneven surface so when I stand still it is not completely straight almost at an angle.

I know the fix would be to walk less and not step into puddles more but I'm wondering if there is any great shoe specifically perfect for lots of walking i.e. bending at the front of the shoe and really good against water as I had a mate tell me that water does damage these types of shoes.

Now my options I know are to wear really large gumboots which would be great for this weather but for when the wet weather stops I want something breathable and just normal looking and usage for just normal labour type work.

Yeah right now all I see is either these safety work steel toe boots that don't last more than a year and end up cracking at the toe bend.

Or getting those uncomfortable driller shoes that just slip on which honestly might be best durability wise but not comfortable wise.

Or wear gumboots basically instead every day which I am hoping is not my only solutions.

So are there any other options.

I am hoping some wet weather lots of walking tradesmen or just other job positions that have to walk a lot and sometimes water damage their shoes can chip in because the idea of a going through a good pair of shoes a year does not sound good for the environment or just wastage in general.

I think police have really good strong water durable boots so I might look into that or maybe search for some doc martens or something I dunno but especially with this very wet weather if you walk a lot your shoes will get crack damage and a bunch of other wear and tear just because they were not designed to work best in wet weather and only dry.

Steel cap steel toe shoes are great but if you walk a lot and are on your toes a lot they will crack eventually where the steel part ends and the soft leather part starts out is inevitable and kind of an oversight in shoe design and manufacturing to extend the life of the shoe.

Just saying money isn't an issue I can afford a new pair of boots every year just wondering if there was a better longer lasting option for my use case scenario because otherwise is every other tradie, cleaner, cop or wet working condition role getting their shoes destroyed every other year?

It is a shame because the rest of the shoe which is like 75% of the shoe is still great but there is no way to recycle or salvage it so we just have to chuck it out.

Like I said earlier the sole or bottom of the shoe is still fine after 15 months of usage it has not eroded much and could probably last 5 more years before it becomes unbalanced from wear and tear and the top part of the shoe where the tongue, laces and even zip up section of the shoe basically every thing above the crack above the steel toe gap is still perfectly fine it could last maybe 5 more years maybe even more as that part of the shoe rarely dies fast.

But yeah the front sides and gap is completely open now so water gets in and the seal is no more.

There has to be some shoe or material that has fixed this and maybe increased the bend capabilities and front toe durability of the shoe somehow while still retaining the safety steel toe part.

Because then that would increase the life of the shoe and the only weak spot then will be the soles which look to be good for another 5 years maybe more.

Ok end rant but I had to get it out there.

If you wish to summarise this post feel free to do so but I'm just saying everything now so I don't miss or forget anything because no one else will talk about this subject or try to find a solution for it.

TL;DR steel cap steel toe safety work boots after 1 year has gone past forming cracks and onto completely breaking at the steel toe soft leather gap and also at the bend where the front toe bends. Looking for options other than gumboots and drillers. Water damage huge cause of the breakage but also lots of walking and bending at the steel cap. Obtaining new information and resources because not everybody has to be going through a new pair of shoes every year just for wet weather lots of movement activity usage. Possible police shoes the answer for wet condition usage and heavy walking day to day usage. Will try. Any other helpful information appreciated.

Sorry for the long post but I think this covers everything even replies to future comments and answers possibly so it is a do right once do it never again type deal.

Thank you. Have a safe and happy time in this disastrous wet weather type rain and moment.


  • +10

    Holy wall of text.

    1 year life span is completely normal. What are you demanding from a no brand safety boot?

    Perhaps start by screening your 'dominant right foot' for leg length abnormality or functional or gait problems. (Queue see a Podiatrist) They will also go through appropriate footwear with you.

    Go visit a proper work wear store to discuss safety boot options that cover your requirements rather than Ozbargain.

    No specific boot is suited to a specific role or person. There are multiple foot types, different requirements in material, safety etc.

    • Surely there exists a boot I don't have to throw out every year creating more landfill and waste of resources.

      I mean I love polluting the planet as much as the other guy but surely I don't have to.

      A nice durable shoe with all the same features and functionality is all I humbly ask for.

      Better I throw out one shoe after ten years than ten or is the other way around I forget doesn't matter because nobody cares right.

  • +3

    I had a hard time working out whether you need a steel toe from skimming that wall of text. If you don't then the Back to Berkeley boot from The North Face will be a good suit and isn't super popular here in Aus so often go for half price. They're waterproof pretty much the whole way up, I wear them bushwalking and can step in rockpools without water getting into the shoe.

    • What's the model number or link.

    • A nice comfy boot - I considered myself lucky to find a brown pair for ~ $170 on sale at the Scout shop about a year ago so consider that $129 offer is well worth posting as a deal…

  • +6

    Bloody hell! All this for a pair of shoes from Target?

    OP next time make sure you leave another TL;DR for your TL;DR

    • +2

      TLDR on top plz

      • TLDR we need better advancements in shoe durability and waterproof technology

      • Toes Leaking: DRy preferred

    • -1

      To the untrained eye it is just shoes from target but to the trained eye well I can't tell you because it is a secret and you have to figure it out yourself.

    • CBB 2 MW 2 H Sozzy lol

  • +1

    answers possibly so it is a do right once do it never again type deal.

    thats a hell of a post asking about shoes :/

      • Let me guess you have a 100 of these and maybe only 5 still have the band intact altogether?

    • Smart people bonus round.

      What's better to buy?

      Ten pairs of shoes after ten years


      One pair of shoes after ten years

      Countdown music plays

      • For working? Unless you have a spare couple of weeks for wearing them in, then doing that once rather than ten times definately gets my vote…

        • Next question what is this magical shoe that you can wear for ten years that does not fall apart without proper conditioning and maintenance which costs energy and time you speak of?

          Eh if you buy the right size it should not be that bad to wear in and honestly the new shoe feel should wake you up a bit keep you on your toes every once in awhile.

  • +1

    FYI each sentence doesn't need a new paragraph.

    • +2

      OP also needs to learn how to use commas more as well, going by all their posts here and elsewhere on the internet …

      • -2

        It all has an underlying reason and purpose but most don't see it or will ever get it in this lifetime.. We are destined to be doomed can't helped I'm sorry

        But who cares

        • +4

          Is the underlying reason because you skipped effective writing English classes at school? Or are you trying to pretend to be Shakespeare?

          Do these pair of shoes spark joy? Perhaps you'd like to explain how if makes you feel emotionally as well as physically? This post and issue is so deep and intellectual, Netflix should make a movie or TV show out of it.

  • +1

    I only read the first couple of lines. Just buy the same shoes again and replace them again in 12 months. $80 a year on work shoes is not worth reading/posting that whole wall of text.

    • +1

      Which would also be tax deductible for OP.

      • But landfill and the environment ah (profanity) it who cares

        • My only point here is the tax deductibility of safety boots, no need to cheap out. By all means buy some better boots, but keep in mind that they are an expendable item, especially for the bending and walking you are doing in bad weather conditions.

          Tradies never claim for cheap boots.

    • This is probably the only option but it is the lazy one.. Ah well more contributions to landfill here I go!

  • +5

    Have had some Steel Blues for 6 or so years now with no issues. They've been on drilling rigs, drowned in water for multiple hours, metal pipes dropped on them, sh1t kicked out of them and they're only just starting to fray.

    Would recommend

    • Which specific ones are you talking about or just link it here for the world to see

      • +2

        I used the Steel Blue Argyles when I was FIFO. The composite toe ones are good for going thru airports and strong enough for most tasks. Think it makes the boot a bit lighter too.
        Plenty of work in storms/mud/puddles etc, always used to get a good 3-4 years out of them, working 12 hour shifts on 2-4 week rosters. Sometimes walking around 15-20kms per day.

        If you're constantly in water get gumboots though.

        • +1

          I have 2 pairs of black leather Steel Blue Argyles which have been going strong for over 3 years. I wear one pair then swap to the other pair the next day - this allows time for the sweat to dry out. I work in a warehouse lots of walking on concrete floors - not really a wet environment. I find the secret to keeping boots relatively waterproof is to keep them polished with a decent boot polish.

      • +1

        I've been wearing the Steel blue "Darwin" for the last 5 years - super comfortable, room for my orthotics and have composite toe so I don't have to take them off at the airport! But they are a soft side almost sport shoe style exterior so they are lasting just over 2 years of everyday wear.

  • +2

    I work in a bar, and my boots get wet constantly but I generally get about 3 years from a pair before the sole wears down.

    I wear Oliver AT,…

    Make sure you waterproof them, and reapply every so often.

    • -4

      Interesting so the sole is the first to go and not the top leather part?

      I guess you don't crease your boots much because mine have completely opened up at the crease.

      The water or wet conditions just makes it break faster.

      To make it clear my soles are actually still in great shape but my shoe is turning into an open sandal at this point lol.

      Nice input on the bar work etc thanks.

      Good to see some valid constructive comments for once but I guess others are just blind or having a bad day with nothing good to say. Ah well I wish them a good life because I can't fix them all!

      • I walk for about 7 hours a day in those boots. I would say they crease quite a bit. But in the 4 pairs I have had, never have I seen leather cracking/splitting behind the cap.

        • Ah ok must be a steel cap only issue then maybe.

          • @AlienC: I'd probably say it is more of a cheap boot problem. Cheap boot, cheap leather.

            • @AdosHouse: That and zero maintenance and conditioning.

              If I have extra time I might use some waterproof and leather protector on my next boots and see how long that lasts.

              Friend mentioned to me to apply about a medium coating on the edges and front where most of the cleaning supplies and water gets into might add life to it might not but if it is less than $20 I might give it a try.

      • Ah they did not like that but everyone has got their problems to deal with I can be your punching bags for today gentlemen and ladies.

  • +5

    It's another "alienc and a wall of text over nothing" episode.

    • -2

      is that all you can contribute to this thread?

      fwiw it was not for nothing we got some good boot recommendations and tips on boot care I am sure others passing by either now or in future might find useful but I guess you don't see that at all brendanm.

      you and the other voters are just what is wrong with the world in this forum got nothing good to say then don't but an impossible perfect world will never exist so.

      you guys are just useless like the rest who cannot contribute anything beneficial to this post.

      I am sorry but that is a you problem not mine.

      • +3

        Yes, thanks AlienC, your post has changed my life, brought meaning and depth to my life. It has healed the relationship between my left foot and right foot. You've raised awareness on this crucial issue that no one else was brave enough to discuss. You have and will change so many lives, our grandchildrens children will read this post one day and thank you.

        • -1

          Oh not you again. Ughhh good to see you I hope you are well haha lol.

          Well at least your grandchildren and their grandchildren will know how long a budget work shoe might hypothetically last and what they could do to avoid it from falling apart faster (maybe some waterproof dubbin application every week or so if used every day).

          I cannot speak for other higher priced premium shoes but I can vouch for budget low end work safety boots having very nice comfort and not digging into your back heel like some other work boots which was a big buying point for me even thick socks did not help it.

          So yeah daily monday to friday work week expect 9 months max before rips and tears occur this is for all kinds of weather and lots of water on and off the shoe.

          Thank you for your kind and special words I hope you continue to contribute positively to this great community we have here.

          Nice to see you bye.

      • +2

        You gave my post a +1 😂

        • crazy huh.. im crazy i do crazy things and stuff

          when you are not you eat a snickers.. it'll bring you back to insanity normal levels

          what is logic anyways (profanity) logic

    • -1

      That is pretty shortsighted of you brendan and co but i never expect your bunch to see the positive in this kind of thread.

  • Are you maintaining your boots? You need to dry them when they get wet, plus you need to clean and dress them regularly.

    In my experience the leather in docs cracks faster than Oliver, Red Back or Blundstone workboots when worn in harsh conditions. Maybe I got a dud pair but I won’t be trying docs again.

    • Oh hell yeah.

      My brother gave me a pair of expensive Doc Martins many years ago. Waterproofed them, and used them for work. 6 months later the leather was buggered and the glue was coming apart. Complete crap. My Oliver's last about 3 years a pair.

    • Not yet this was a test/experiment to see how long the cheapest boots aka budget buy would last with no maintenance and no conditioning and being used pretty roughly every day.

      I guess the answer is about 9 months but I officially retired them today making them officially give me about 15-16 months of usage.

      I think the next buy will be the same just no steel cap this time and we shall see how that goes.

      Should last a bit longer because the cap is what quickened the tearing imho.

  • +2
    • do you really need steel caps?
      • pros: good for protecting toes from breaks from small to heavy weight dropped items.
      • cons: will amputate your toes if very heavy item dropped or pressed hard enough on them.
        also encourages you to use shoe as a work tool (see below).
    • go to a workwear store and buy a brand name boot. this will cost several hundred dollars.
    • create ​a maintenance rountine - drying them, cleaning them, water coating them, polishing them, lacing them, checking them for the start of damage that is worth getting repaired
    • dont use boots as a work tool - kicking stomping etc which rapidly speeds wear
    • consider wearing gumboots when working in water above sole height (you're allowed to own 2 pairs of boots)


    • just buy cheap ones every year


    • go see a podiatrist - it could save you a lot of money and disability in the long run
    • +3

      really need steel caps?
      cons: will amputate your toes if very heavy item dropped or pressed hard enough on them

      what would that same heavy item do without steel caps?
      can you find any reported events of this actually occurring?

      was busted on Mythbusters (not that its peer reviewed science, but it beats random rumours on the internet)

      • oh i never saw that episode before
        i guess they must be ok then
        thanks for letting me know

        it's not something i had heard online, it was over the years from a number of people who work with horses, particularly the extra large kind

    • -1

      I don't really need steel caps I can buy without I just feel a bit more manlier and tradier having it like I am doing actual real work but I can live without it and it is not required in a cleaning role but it also means if I pick up a side gig say as a day labourer or other steel cap required task then I will need a separate shoe just for that purpose so in my head it was a kind of what if maybe it can serve two purposes for the price of one but I am just looking for waterproof, durable, lots of walking, high mobility shoes atm I think they can be anything just not open like thongs and sandals obviously.

  • P.S. I thought you would appreciate this famous quotation by Terry Pratchett:

    “The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money.

    Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles.

    But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.

    This was the Captain Samuel Vimes 'Boots' theory of socioeconomic unfairness.”

    • +1

      Great piece of history and literature.

      This is how I live my life mostly when I am not too tired/exhausted or time sensitive on what I need to buy.

      It is so true that you can be rich by earning little but spending little also.

      We buy a lot of unnecessary stuff in our life I try to catch myself in the moment when I buy something or think about buying something and say would I look back in 10 years time and consider this purchase stupid or if a friend was going to buy this item/service/etc would I consider that friend smart or stupid in his choice of purchase.

      Many ways to check yourself but hard to sometimes remember or even think about it when you are in the moment.

      Food is the worst one for me.. lots of food I could have bought from the supermarket instead of out I think I would have saved thousands of dollars if I just focus on food alone mostly because my other expenses are usually pretty decent ones and going without is not really that worth it I am looking at my spotify, youtube and netflix accounts.. my disney plus account actually is not getting much usage but I did like it for the mandalorian so it might have paid for itself with that show alone.

      Great quote love Terry Pratchett.

    Been a loyal customer for many years.
    Good for around 18 months, seven days a week.
    That's less than 50 cents a day.

  • What a terrible title!

    • +1

      What is your suggestion?

    • I must agree I kind of rushed it and did not give much thought and attention to the title I could have done one better.

  • Oliver safety boots, only way to go

  • +1

    My current SBs are Steel Blue (don't know the model) with the non-metal safety cap. Very comfortable and seem to wear well. Their after sales service is really good. I had a small fitment issue with the previous pair and the rep replaced them with a different style. Price is around $180 but they are a tax deduction so u get $60 back.

    I've also had good life & comfort from Blundstone

  • Mongrel boots. Aussie made.

    I wear the black high zip-siders at work. Very comfy. Last ok. Bit pricier looking around, but I reckon they're great.

    • +1

      Mongrel is overated, went through a pair due to all the recommendations at work but after a year got sick of the uncomfortable feeling. Switched to steel blue Argyle (old Mongrel was similar style) and felt much better. Been through couple of well known brands like oliver, cat and they all offer comparable quality. Mongrel was the overated one among them.

      • Boots are pretty personal I guess. I've worn em daily for 20+ years at work. Been wearing these for the last 3 and like them as much as any I've tried in the past. They are work-supplied so weren't my choice, but I haven't considered trying to find anything else.

        • Highly agree.

          Friend loaned me some Magnum's I think they are what some police use and while it is very good at staying on it has the same issue I have with a lot of boots where the boot is constructed in such a way where above the heel it digs into your skin even with thick socks.

          Funnily enough the cheap graphite boots I bought did not have this problem and I was able to check while trying them out.

          You will notice it after being on your feet for hours every day.

          My temporary replacement magnums have this problem but because it is quite a big fit I am able to avoid it by standing and walking in such a way my feet fit forward and don't rub on the back which is good because it keeps me a bit alert and awake literally on my feet.

          Yeah I think I will end up getting some cheap ones again but hopefully no steel cap this time because my precognition is that even some of the expensive ones will have this same above the heel digging into the skin problem.

          I remember a lot of boots I tried having this problem even some driller boots of the blundstone kind.

          Kmart have some cheap slip on boots that seemed bearable but not in my size only 6 and 8 but I needed a 7 for perfect fit.

      • And admittedly, I'm in an office most of the day these days, so not that hard on em. Lol.

  • "10-12 months of daily usage in wet weather and just lots of walking "

    Thats a tall ask for any footwear. very punishing indeed.
    Lucky they even lasted 6 months

    Safety boots are made to protect your feet from drops and knocks.
    Nothing more.

    • What would you recommend say for every day walking like work wear but the safety part is not needed.

      Something that lasts a long time and is affordable.

      I don't need steel cap boots in my line of work but a lot of cleaners wear it because some do other jobs besides cleaning so it makes life easier.

      I was hoping to pick up some side jobs as a day labourer or something but so far have not gone around to it but had some interest in the past but I was too busy on working.

    • Well it wouldn't hurt to have them last longer and maybe be a bit comfortable for the wearer no you know increased productivity and efficiency and all from not falling apart so quickly and not hurting the wearer.

    • -1

      Thanks tempting but my hunch is it will have the top of heel scraping your skin problem a lot of shoes have though this might not.

      Also my lazy inner me wants to get a side zip shoe for my next purchase because nothing like just slipping on your shoes and zipping up if you want to go quickly out the door and to work asap esp if u trying to squeze in those extra hours.. i mean sleep.. i mean minutes.. lol what

      no but thanks Kindergarten Teacher.

      Who is your daddy and what doe she do?

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