Partitioning Choice for My External HDD

Hey All,

Was wondering if anyone can suggest file system and partitioning size for my external USB HDD. I have recently bought a 12TB external HDD for my home use. I want to mainly use it as storage to save pictures, videos from my phone. To store movies, songs and learning materials etc.

I have a Netgear Nighthawk router to which I am planning to connect HDD using usb 3.0 and use it as NAS.
I use a MAC and i would like to backup my MAC onto my NAS drive. One of the partition to be used for that.
I would like to connect to this NAS drive from my Raspberry PI. Raspberry PI acting as a media server.
Connect from my Samsung TV to this NAS. Trying hard to find a software to do that other than Plex.

What would be the best file system to choose from? NTFS or exFAT?
What would be the best partitioning size for better performance and optimal capacity?

Thanks in Advance


  • +1

    Just have 1 partition with exFAT for maximum compatibility. NTFS is patent encombered

  • +2

    Sounds like most of your devices are going to be Linux based. Go with exFAT.

    If your just leaving it plugged into your router, your router will be the only device that needs to read it. All other device (pi, MAC etc) will just communicate with the router which will do the actual file read/write.

  • +1

    Have a read of the Nighthawk manual as it will document what file systems it supports. Like all the rest if it supports exFAT use it.

  • exFAT doesn't support files over 4GB, that's where NTFS comes in

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