First time posting.
Only available at some Target stores, but I managed to get it price matched at Kmart (where they usually sell for $12).
I haven’t tried it yet but it’s got decent reviews!
First time posting.
Only available at some Target stores, but I managed to get it price matched at Kmart (where they usually sell for $12).
I haven’t tried it yet but it’s got decent reviews!
Yes, please make sure to video if you do use it. Get the clicks if you don’t get the reps.
I've been using one for years on multiple door frames and never had an issue.
After a few years mine did start marking the wall above the frame. It also sits too low (or is a pain to store).
I replaced it with one that bolts into the frame and I much prefer that at $30 over this at $3.50.
That one does look good, I’ll upgrade if this one turns out to be crap.
I only see an American site in US dollars though. Not cheap on ebay AU.…
Been using one for a few times a week for a few months with no signs of wear. No marks on the wall or door frame either.
try muscle up with it
Got one a few weeks back and it bends when I put my weight on it (85kg). I do not trust the 100kg weight allowance on the packaging. Maybe for much slimmer people.
Never had an issue
can you share how can you get price match from Kmart?
go to kmart, pick it up from the shelf, go to the checkout, show the staff the target listing on your phone and ask for a price match, they will then contact someone with their ear piece thingy and after 40 seconds or so will say 'no worries' and mark it down for you.
That was very accurately the process.
Would you say he was being logical?
User name checks out, extra points for not referencing Google with a link
This doesn't work, just tried and they said the brand doesn't match so they won't. Asked 3 separate people.
ah, the infamous door frame breaker
his form is incorrect, i've had one now for a few months and has been a great purchase. use it all the time and haven't fell off it once. also good to use for pushups on the ground, make you come down further.
Indeed, he "jerks" upwards, resulting in it unlatching from the top of the door jam. A trap for young players.
Agreed his form isn’t great but it’s nowhere near terrible. If that’s the leeway those things give with form then there is around going to be a lot of sore tailbones going around - especially the beginners
I think it would work great on Australian plasterboard internal walls.
Bought this a year ago for $9.. used it regularly in lockdown, and also traveled with it across 8 countries. Still going strong.
Speaking of lockdown, these sold for upwards of $80 during the early stages (on ebay).
I sold mine that was had been sitting out in weather for 2 years for $50
Username checks out
We need to see the vlogs - or it didn't happen.
How exactly have you travelled to 8 countries in the last year?
Was pretty straightforward, frankly. Even getting permission to depart Aus only took a few days.
you bought this in 2020 and have travelled across 8 countries during Covid lockdowns?
What could possibly go wrong?
Wow, and it's just "3 fiddy", i hope that god damn loch ness monster returns my money so i can buy it
I wonder if anyone seen the duonamic style which clip on both sides of the door frame…
I have had this for a year (from Kmart) - no problems yet. I am 85 kg
The only suggestion, hang deadly still, don't swing.
Yes, swinging is incorrect form - it completes the rep by momentum.
These things are great for encouraging proper, efficient form. Just as with a push up, slowly down and slowly up, never quite completing the motion in either direction keeping tension in the contracted muscle.
Bold of you to assume anyone on OzBargain is capable of doing a chin up
*chins up
Other factor is 100kg max!
Is that per chin?
No, combined!!!
In to point out these types of bars are actually really great if you avoid doing dumba$$ things on them. Mine came with a little metal attachment that hooked behind the timber above the doorframe and made the bar a little extra secure also.
Using the one from Kmart for months now. Well built and sturdy. I can't see how people can fall off if commonsense is used
because commonsense is the least common of all senses
Of all the senses - humour, timing, sixth… common is the rarest. Weird
How is your door frame looking
No stock anywhere near
never gonna give you
thanks bar good advice
Thanks. Rang local store - put aside to pick up.
Will try using on steel security door in sturdy steel door frame. That way can exercise outdoors with extra hight to bar.
Which store and under what name?!
In Brisbane - ask for what the Infidel got for his torture chamber😉
Not worth risk damage to your ego, your body, your door frame, or combination of them, all worth much much more than $3.50.
Everyone & every situation is different.
Preferably check with a medical professional first (as recommended by Target). And know what you are doing.
Rang my Exercise Physiologist - she said bring it in to the gym tomorrow & they will assess it & recommend correct exercises to suit me. (She often recommends Kmart gear.)
Will return within 60 days if it fails that.
Use a sturdy door & frame. Have steel security door with a very sturdy steel frame at home. Can't see it being damaged!
What do you use an exercise physiologist for?
Assessing & Designing exercise program that best meets my needs.
They are probably best trained to do that & take into account factors beyond just exercise (like health issues).
Required a GP referral to these allied health practitioners.
Have this from KMart and the teenage kids have been very much getting into chinups with zero problems for a month now.
If your doorframe is decently built, and you don't do crazy things on it, then it's perfectly fine.
How would doing chin ups hurt the body? Apart from some rotator cuff issues for a very select number of people
If someone is too weak to do a chin up they simply just won’t be able to do one
It’s not like free weights where you can drop the weight on yourself
If your form is bad you can definitely injure yourself. Unlikely to be anything severe but you could certainly strain your neck or back.
But I think the point they were trying to make was more along the lines of this coming off the door frame or breaking on you.
I get that, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a beginner/novice get injured from pull ups, it’s more a cross fit kipping thing that does it in my experience.
But now I see where the commenter is coming from, I don’t agree but it makes some sense now
Tried to get it price matched with Kmart but they said no because it is Kmarts own brand
Funny, that was the reason they were happy to do it at my local Kmart lol
I've got a double chin so does that mean I should buy two of these?
No. Only need to do half the number of chin ups! 💪
Have the kmart one. Something rattling inside but still works great. Just don't use it on a skirting that isn't strong. You should be able to feel if it can't handle your weight.
Comes with bonus trip to the ER
I've had mine for about 10 years. You can see from the photos the rubbing that occurs at pressure points and very slight cracking in the wall on one side.
Nothing that's not easily repaired.
You can use the photos to decide where to put extra padding at pressure points, being aware that padding above the door frame will mean the top strut may not be seated properly and could fall off. Rarely, you can also forget that the chin up bar is there and you could close the door and have it fall on top of your head (doesn't really hurt but best to avoid)!
The image you attached is rather small
Thanks - pretty rough marks on the side of the door frame
Used to hang upside down from mine. 75KG. Thought it was pretty good at the time. Does leave marks on the wall. Also good to hang shirts on (with coathangers) to dry. Sold mine when I moved interstate.
Thanks for that, Batman!
I have one of these and I hang it from the door itself rather than the frame. Basically 0 chance of it falling when it's hooked over the top of the door
You're better off using the equipment at a local playground. There's usually something you can use for chin ups. The only problem is there might be children using it, but they can easily be scared away by yelling.
I find it hard to believe that kmart price-matches other stores. Considering they wouldn't even price-match their online only price.
They're also good for just stretching the back. You don't need to do chin ups to benefit from this simple device.
You got a door
I’d bust that sucker in a second if I could lift my weight off the ground.
You have to be careful of the door you use it on. If you are in a rental (like me), recommend wrapping a hand towel around every place this touches your wall/door. where the the cross bar touches the door frame along the part that lies on top of the door. It rubs the paint off eventually. Also I only weigh 60kg but at some point it one corner of the part that goes over the door frame has pressed hard enough into the drywall to crack it (I guess that particular door is internal wall, drywall only). Will have to get it fixed when I move out.
Used an identical design for years, mine's called the Guy Leech pull-up bar.
I agree with others: don't trust the 100kg capacity. I'm about 65 kgs and see it bend as I pull.
… unless they were being creative with the interpretation of capacity and they mean "peak weight", i.e., total weight measured which spikes up the moment you pull. And even then, that's a bit too much faith…
4 more still available at target Chermside at this time
Don't waste your time trying to price-match at K-mart.
Complete "NO" from 3 people, saying the brand didn't match
OP: Please update this, so others don't waste their time. Or tell us your secret technique
Is polite conversion a secret technique? I dunno I asked the woman at the counter if it’s possible, to save me crossing the mall to get to Target. She wasn’t sure so she called her manager over who was surprised by the price but happy to do it.
Or maybe they saw my scrawny arms and agreed that I was in desperate need.
Thanks OP.
Price matched at K-mart.
Great bargain.
I thought my door frame which is about 1.6cm thick would not be thick enough but seems fairly secure. You just need to make sure the ends you hand on the door frame touches the wall. When you do a chin up the devices turns inwards slightly pushing against the wall. I think it is designed to used friction against the wall + door frame to take your weight.
Showing as $7 for me :(
Ah excellent, these are the ones that go over the door frame and end hilariously?
I'll keep an eye on failarmy