As much as I love the rain, La Nina is starting to get old again, and I'm starting to get cabin fever.
I need to go on some longer walks at least.
Is there some trick to getting into nature in the wet?
Everything is wet all the time. There's never anything dry to sit on. So I need to bring a chair or a waterproof surface I guess.
And everything needs to be wiped and dried when I get inside. (including the dogs. and me.) I'm guessing there is no magical pain free way to do this.
At least if something needs washing i can just leave it under the sky for a few hours! (excluding the dogs. and me.)
Are there any regular hikers or campers here? How the hell do you set up camp in the wet? How do you dry off after hiking?
Long-time-no-chat Baggers …
The 'trick' is to transcend to the state of an 'all dry' being. Channel your 'inner monk'. And instruct your dog to do that as well. And by the way, I know that technically it's grammatically incorrect to begin a sentence with the word 'and' in non-fictional writing. I "juz don't care". I'm 'madcap-crazy' like that …