Same price for Space Grey model
Stack with discounted gift cards to bring this down further.
$619 at Apple education store.
Many thanks to the shareholders of Afterpay.
Same price for Space Grey model
Stack with discounted gift cards to bring this down further.
$619 at Apple education store.
Many thanks to the shareholders of Afterpay.
Not sure but I don't think Officeworks will price match deals with codes.
sorry no way
Would I need to purchase 6 giftcards of 5?
if you are buying from shopback, $100(5%off)x5+$20(8%off)x1
$250 and $500 are sold out
I can only see Shopback giftcards for eBay at 3%? Hmmm…
The swap cards are 5% and can be changed to ebay
Need to buy celebration swap gift cards.
100 is sold out too, only 50 and 20 left
Curious to know the max number of giftcards allowed for each transaction on eBay?
@ce5himm: also heard some one try many times, and be able to use more than 7 gift cards. get error for couple of times, and boom it works.
@zer0Cash: i have been adding 8 gift cards (afterpay code has been already showing in the list). So i have had 9 coupons for my last few purchases.
Too late to the party :(
Damn…i'm already at my Afterpay limit. Just tried paying off the item I bought yesterday early but it's still declining me.
how long have you been using afterpay and whats your limit now? i just recently joined afterpay and would like to know if the limit goes up by time or by purchases.
I used afterpay for 4 months and my limit is at $2000 up from $800.
I don't think it's just by time but by purchase value & paying on time.
2k is the max that you could get.
I only just did my first purchase yesterday so it's a $600 limit.
i signed up to Afterpay yesterday - also $600 limit. I bought 3 things yesterday. I got a message on the 3rd purchase suggesting that I repay one of the first two purchases. I did that and the 3rd purchase then worked yesterday. Last night I paid the other two off purchases, so I was back to $600 limit. Today I put through an order for an iPad, used some giftcards and the remainder $280 went on afterpay - it went through no issues.
using gift card instead, you do not need your afterpay limit.
Why are you guys not using discounted gift cards? Please hand in your ozbargain badges.
those swap gift cards are sold out except for $20 and $50. I bought the Ipad air 4th gen and seems to struggle to get more than 8 giftcard in so still ended up with about $350 paying via afterpay. Still great discount for paying actual amount of below $700 for the 64GB model
Thanks got one. Cheers
i can not use gift cards and afterpay on the same time.
Select the afterpay radio button, then put the in afterpay code, then add the gift cards last.
thanks mate. buy one. u r legend.
Any good deals on Apple pencils?
Just a note that I’m still waiting on an order from early Feb that keeps getting moved back from Wireless 1 for this iPad - so may want to take their delivery dates with a grain of salt..
Yep delivery time late April showing for me. Big oof
That’s weird.
It doesn’t say anything about delayed delivery (pre-order) in the description.
Got a MacBook Air off them, got delivered within their estimated time frame (a week) interstate.
Although they don’t tell u it’s sent, didn’t give me a tracking number, it would of had one cause it was delivered by Toll.
Wed. 21 Apr. and Fri. 23 Apr. it says using the main link for me on chrome on laptop and safari on phone.
I looked at the space grey one and it’s 7/04 to 09/04 for me.
Ah yep the silver is later.
@crazym0nkey: yes actually you are right silver is 7-9 for me too but that's still nearly a good 3 weeks/ ?
Can you cancel the order and rebuy?
Yeah mine says delivery expected April 9 too.. sucks
Ended up cancelling this order. Worst seller ever. Zero Communication. They probably don’t even have the items in stock. Hopefully my refund won’t take me weeks. Ain’t ordering from this seller again.
Found a used iPad Air 3 64GB 4G for $350, should I get it? It’s basically new condition and only 11 month old
that sounds like a bargain (if in mint condition)
will check it out :)
check the sellers feedback - i saw some obvious scams yesterday when looking.
I will be careful, thanks :)
I will never trust random seller on eBay
Can this be price match in officework?