What Should I Wear in a Gym Sauna?

So I just joined a gym that has a small sauna. I went in there today in my gym shorts, but felt I was overheating pretty quick.

What do people normally wear in a gym sauna (it's in the men's locker room)?


  • +3

    Nothing. Just a towel over the jewels.

  • +4

    Your birthday suit

  • -1

    Not sure i want my manky gym towel near the jewels

    • +5

      Perhaps bring another.

      • +1

        Yeah … Bring a friend … I guess.

  • +1

    Budgie Smugglers

    It's over 60 C in those things, of course you overheat. How long do you expect to stay in there. I'm over it after 10 to 20 minutes.

  • +2

    Make sure you’re not wearing a necklace or ring, or you’ll get burnt

    • -5

      That makes zero sense.

      • +2

        Metals have high thermal conductivity?

        • -2

          Yes, but the air temperature for the metals is the same as it is for your skin. They aren't going to get hotter than the ambient air.

    • what about them dudes with nipple rings

  • +1

    I just wore my workout shorts and just sweat. You're meant to overheat.

  • +1

    Strap on

  • Go commando

  • +2

    In Finland we don't wear anything in sauna but in Australia if I go to sauna I wear a towel around my mediterranean region.

  • +2

    I let it loose and slightly to the left

  • +1

    Clown suit.

  • +1

    I usually wear my gym shorts if I’ve got another pair to wear home, or just my undies, then go home commando. Most people I’ve seen wear just undies.

  • +1

    I’d stick with the gym shorts. You probably just need a little bit more time to acclimatise to the sauna, the humidity, and the heat. Being such a humid environment, I’d suggest putting a layer of clothing between you, and the seat as although not necessarily likely there might be stuff like athletes foot hanging around on the seats.

  • Overheating in the sauna….. I wonder why, that's a tough one!

  • -1

    I had a similar question so I'll necro this thread. What did you end up wearing? I been wearing cheap swim shorts from big w and if you bunch them up a bit they seem okay. I thought about underwear but I thought maybe that'd look a bit dero. From what I've seen nobody goes nude, and the rules say you can't go nude.

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