Found the code off Reddit and successfully redeemed in-game.
No idea how long it will last so redeem as soon as you can.
Also from the comments: 50 Primogems from Alienware
Found the code off Reddit and successfully redeemed in-game.
No idea how long it will last so redeem as soon as you can.
Also from the comments: 50 Primogems from Alienware
Dude it's been 2 days. They weren't gonna drop the whole update on day 1.
It'll be like 1.3 with the events phased over the 6 week cycle.
Assuming you're all here for primogems, don't forget about the ongoing web events:… ("HoYoLAB Community Daily Check-In")… ("A Wanmin Welcome")
Interesting. Does it work for Playstation users? I am not sure what is my ID/password.
only the wanmin web event works for PS4, you have to access the QR code from in-game mail.
Cool, thanks.
I just checked my in-game mail and I don't see any for Wanmin Welcome. Do you know if there is a requirement?
daily check ins……oh man this reminds me of the spin feature on tetris friends where we would get free points or something that we could spend on costmetic stuff….
how do you serve the dish? It keeps telling me Please select a dish first~
But there's no way to select a dish. I have cooked all 6 of them. But how do you select them to serve to the tray?
When I click the tray icon nothing appears.
LOL.. won't let me use the code as I'm not yet Adventure rank 10
Wow, enough for 1/3 of a wish
But it does all help. Took a lot of gems to get Venti….
Yes it did. I'm really suspecting Mihoyo are rigging the banners now. Seemed a lot easier in the beginning to get a 5*
1-shot, 1-pull. FREEDOM!
Dumb question: where to put the code?
settings > account > redeem code
Thanks for the code!
is the world going to continue to get bigger and bigger until some day it's MMO size?
there are supposed to be 7 nations in total, only 2 now.
how many did it launch with? 1 or 2?
It launched with 2 regions. The 3rd region won't manifest till May or later this year it seems - don't quote me on the release date though!
@lostn: That's the whole idea. It's a mobile gacha game. Like WOW, it's meant to go on for years.
It'll be sad to see people throwing thousands of $$$ at the game, for it to finish in a year or so.
The Alienware one doesn't seem to work for me.
same. I went through the entire sign up process too xD
then thank you for saving me my time :) not that i need it haha fyi for anyone that claimed the dell one this one wont work.
Is this game any good? I am a fan of mmorpgs
it's not an MMO. But i wish it was.
Have you played gacha games before? If not, you might be in for a surprise. Otherwise, you know drill. :)
Edit: I should also mention, you missed the big CNY giveaway… but if you sign up now. You get KFC recipes! Not sure if they'll come back in the future. Can't go wrong with KFC!
Ahhhh ok thanks for the heads up!
I read the summary and all the comments and still have absolutely no idea what this is…
Lol it's a campy kid's anime RPG game with co-op function.
Its' main draw is "gacha" which just means the vending/pokies machine style lottery we enter to collect characters.
Think collecting pokemon, but instead of pokemon we're collecting anime people.
"Primogems" are the coins we put into the pokie machine.
1.4 is so shit. Nothing I want, saving up to 10000 gems for 1.5 5 stars!