Good price for PS5 game. Good reviews for the game
[PS5] Watch Dogs Legion $39 Delivered @ Amazon AU

Last edited 18/03/2021 - 12:19 by 2 other users

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This is bloody cheap. Would strongly recommend it given they've just released online with tac ops and more stuff on the way.
This game hasn't reviewed well and isn't going to win any awards but I really enjoyed whizzing through a reimagined futuristic London doing missions, recruiting diverse people, bunny hopping off flying drones and getting the platinum trophy. Recommend it if you have nothing else in backlog attracting you at the moment.
good game and it's fun. just a heads up it's locked at 4k30 and does feel a bit choppy..given its a fast paced game, so I sold it and re-purchased it for uplay instead.
so its no good on ps5?
Also 30fps and it does take some getting used to especially if you're coming from other 60fps titles like Valhalla.
Good heads up. That's a hard pass from me even though I'm thirsty for ps5 games. I'm also burned out to death on ubi open world.
Also on XBO/SX for the same price.
Is it me or do I see every watchdogs game dropping fast in price. Soon this will be $20
Standard Ubisoft business practise. High price for new releases, month or two later drop 50% and rake in sales.
Do you need to have played the first two?
Is it worth the $39? Bought it anyway.
Damm i thought it was PS5 Console