This was posted 4 years 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch] Trine Ultimate Collection $9 (OOS), Skully $19 In Store/Click and Collect or + Shipping @ JB Hi-Fi


Good prices on these two at JB Hi-Fi

Trine Ultimate Collection - Note that this is now 'awaiting stock', not sure whether that might mean delays to shipping or might be out of stock soon - Page Removed


Note that Trine Ultimate collection consists of Trine 4 on cart, with a download code in the box for Trine 1, 2 and 3. If you're someone that shares games with friends/family you might want to pick up two copies at this price considering you won't be able to share Trine 1-3

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closed Comments

  • +7

    There are also couple of PS4 games for $5, like Far Cry New Dawn, Ton Clancy, FIFA 19, ShenMue III, Darksiders III, etc.
    $5 Games
    And PS4 Trine Ultimate Collection is $9 too.

  • +2

    Is anyone else getting an error checking out? I'm attempting Click and Collect, and when I try to proceed past the payment options, I get returned to the same page and the title says "Error - Payment". Happening in Incognito as well, and regardless of payment method I choose (Paypal/CC) - it doesn't even load the Paypal login panel

    • I know it's not quite what you're asking but I did delivery ($5) and it worked for me, got a confirmation email

    • i am getting the same problem.

    • +1

      same here. tried click and collect, but did not worked.
      so did delivery and it worked.
      hopefully it would arrive on time.

    • +2

      I think it happens when the item has just gone out of stock at that store - still says in stock but errors on checkout. Worked when I changed stores.

  • +1

    I played 1 many years ago, good to see if I can still enjoy these games.

  • +2

    Thanks OP. $10.99 delivered for me!

  • +1

    Got trine for my nephew thank you

  • +1

    Thanks OP, also picked up "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Day One Edition" for Xbox One for $5

  • +2

    A few other decent games going cheaper if you go searching for them

    Watch Dogs Legion $39 -…
    Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition $39 -…
    Immortals: Fenix Rising $49 -…
    Assassins Creed Valhalla $59 -…

    Possibly worth it's own deal for Watch Dogs Legion or DMC 5

  • +1

    Instant trigger pull, thanks OP

  • +1

    thanks for this OP. ordered with $1.99 shipping. great deal. =)

  • +1

    Wasn't going to re-buy the Trine series, but at this price, why not!

  • +1

    Got Trine, Far Cry New Dawn and DMC for $59 delivered (no stock for pick up), pretty good!

  • +1

    Thanks OP!!

    Rogue Trooper, Trine (Switch + PS4), Torment, Metal Gear Survive, Shenmue III and Override for $52 delivered!!

  • +3

    Page has been removed for Trine Ultimate Collection.

    • Thanks!

  • +1

    Thanks OP.
    Got an order confirmation, fingers crossed it's not cancelled.

  • +2

    Trine shipment confirmation

  • +5

    Ordered Trine, Received Order Confirmation and got a Refund :-(

    • +2

      Damn, me too! :(

      Lucky those who got one!

  • +2

    They refunded me Trine for Switch but $14? Did I profit $3.99?

    • Shipping costs?

      • Each game was $1.99. So couldn't be that.

  • +1

    They cancelled my trine order but didn’t refund shipping costs…

    • +1

      Just contact their customer service. Be warned though, probably the worst customer service I have ever dealt with!

  • +2

    Picked up the last copy of Trine in-store. Cheers.

    • +2

      Oh what it was in-store too? Damn, I thought it was a pre-order ("awaiting stock")

      • +1

        If you go in to any JB store there's always (random) products not listed on the website - had the same thing happen with the Mana Collection for $15 but picked it up in store, can still be worth checking.

    • +1

      Thanks mopo for alerting us to in store - just grabbed a copy from South Wharf! (Last one)

      Legend mate! :)

    • I picked up the last Switch Trine version in-store in Leichhardt, NSW. It was stacked together with a lot of other games, and listed for $49, but scanned for $9. So try your luck in-store.

  • +4

    Cancellation/refund received for Trine on Switch, ah well.

    • Sorry to hear! Might still be worth checking in-store if you're nearby any

  • +1

    Just received a refund email too. Check the Perth stores and no luck finding a copy instore

  • Refund for trine on switch sadly

  • +1

    Dammit I could have click and collected but for $1.99 I opted for delivery and now cancelled.

  • +1

    going to pickup my c&c order tonight, hope they don't sell my trine to anyone else.

    • picked up mine, and get them to price match a galaxy buds plus @139, by using gift card(15% off), got myself a new pair for 118ish. win-win

  • +1

    This is a good game

  • +1

    Order deletion. Surprised they are allowed to do that.

  • +1

    Can confirm Trine is $9 in store. If you can find a copy on the shelves it scans at $9 (this was for PS4)

  • +1

    I went into my local JB just now and picked up Trine ultimate collection for Switch. They had 2 left even though online doesn’t show so would suggest you clal them to see if it’s available as website doesn’t appear to be accurate .

    Another guy heard me buying it and he bought the last one so Top Ryde is out.

  • +1

    Finally got one from a local store, by calling them to hold the last one for me. Thanks, everyone!

  • +1

    Shenmue III also included the steelbook. Yay!

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