More Spam/Robocalls after ShopBack Data Breach???

Hi all,

Over the last couple of months I've had nearly daily spam calls or robocalls (when I answer there is silence and then the other ends hangs up). I now don't answer my phone unless I know who the caller is and let the call go to voicemail. Of course the spam calls/robocalls don't leave a voicemail.

Like many people I had a ShopBack account until the data breach last year. I then cancelled my membership. I do occasionally enter into those online competitions but have stopped that as well.

Has anyone who was a Shopback member noticed an increase in spam calls? I'm trying to narrow down how my mobile no. got leaked.

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ShopBack AU


  • I get up to 5 a day, it's driving me crazy. Exactly how you described - they don't leave a voicemail and don't speak when you answer.

    Is there even a solution to this? I'm considering changing my number entirely

    • Were you a ShopBack member?

      • Yep, pre-data breach

        edit: and i very rarely recieved spam calls before the breach. My phone has an auto blocking system but that doesn't stop the texts saying they haven't left a voicemail or the blocked call notification. Bummer

  • Just yesterday I received 6 robo calls.

    Sometimes it's auto playing message or ask to press 1 to speak with the operator.

    Really sick of it!

    I have installed Truecaller which is working for some numbers here it automatically rejects the call where reporter as scam.

  • I’ve had daily robo calls, text messages, and spam emails. Which all started after this breach.

  • Similarly had daily calls since the breach, all from 037xxx xxxx numbers.

    • Have been getting these recently (037 calls), phone flagged them as Spam/Robocalls, so just let it go to voicemail then blocked them. Was blocking a few of them though, as they have different extensions. Haven't had any new numbers try calling for a week or 2

  • Get spam calls/robo calls all the time, my number isn't on shopback.

    Could be a coincident, however one can't rule out the data breach incident as a potential contributor.

  • -2

    hard to tell. for competitions you should just buy a disposable $5 sim from aldi or similar. lists a few breaches that have been made public.

    get a new number if it is bothering you too much

  • +1

    Easy fix…

    Save all your known contacts to your phone…

    Private number… Straight to voicemail
    Unknown number… Straight to voicemail

    Voice mail says: Due to the overwhelming number of spam calls, all unknown numbers are asked to leave a message and I will get back to legitimate requests.

    Then use your phone's "block number" feature.

  • +1

    I don't answer any unknown numbers. If you do, your number gets flagged as active and will be sold to many other scammers.

  • Was a ShopBack customer. No Email Spam or Phone Calls yet. Only spam I get is from Regus who don't understand the word not interested.

  • ShopBack customer, was part of the breach, zero spam calls.

  • do you have a smart phone? if so turn on the spam feature

    • Who doesn't have a smartphone.

      I have the Spam feature which has limited success but it's still annoying.

      • some people
        i wish i didn't have one

        maybe adjust the settings?

  • Anyone else getting quite a few from 08 7100 numbers this week? Google search seems to have them reported as “you’ve been in accident” scam calls

  • anyone getting spam emails about paying for an app?
    I'm getting them sent to shopback@<mydomain> and family members are getting the same emails sent to their personal a/c (which they used for shopback).

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