Great deal for the Xiaomi Smart home Kit
Is a nice addition to my other Xiami products.
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Great deal for the Xiaomi Smart home Kit
Is a nice addition to my other Xiami products.
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Plenty of people use these. I have 2 and they work great.
I've got 3 Xiamoi gateways, 10-odd temp sensors, two vibration sensors, 5 single-switch buttons, 3 multi-switch buttons, 3 cubes, and 2 zigbee power point units. I've never had any of them become incompatible after a firmware update or Mi Home app update.
The app is pretty bad - full of ads, and constantly seems to forget that I'm logged in - but I've not had any incompatibility issues. Also works pretty well with Home Assistant/hassio.
For those using home assistant/hassio, I'd consider getting a zigbee USB stick and using zigbee2mqtt though and just buying the sensors.
Do these still only work on the China server?
I'm afraid I don't know, sorry.
All mine are configured via the China server, and I'm so bedded into that now that I'm not going to change.
Usually becomes incompatible after an update fr Xiaomi
The only example I can think of is such an incident is the xiaofang camera which was region locked after an update.
This is correct. I have 4; updated 2 and they stopped working, the remaining 2 still work so long as you don't update the firmware.
I'd love to add more to my xiaomi smart home app (I've got one of the humidifiers) but these all use different size button cell batteries. Would be great if they were usb charging.
I've only had to change the CR2032 batteries in the temperature sensors after >2 years. Motion sensors, door/window sensors, switches, are all still on the original batteries since 2016/2017.
3 years from temp sensors, 6 years so far from switches (and still going strong ).
The natural drain of rechargable cells would probably mean their battery Lifespan would be significantly shorter and the item significantly bulkier.
What do you use the temp sensors for? To control your heaters/airconds?
I've used them to control a humidifier in winter. That's the only thing I really fully automated.
I very often use them so I can see the temp inside before I get home. If it's high I can switch on the a/C. Nice to come home to a cool living area. Same could be done in winter , but it's rarely cold enough.
The app graphs the temp and humidity info for you up to a month of data, that's quite interesting!
I actually just bought this from AusPost at Fountain Gate, VIC for $49.95 today.