I just was looking to offload some of my "junk". And I realised I have a lot of Nintendo DS games. Notably many Pokemon, Yu-Gi Oh and Final Fantasy games. I was just wondering because of "Nintendo tax" on Switch games…whether these old games are still worth money and maybe I should sell them?
I had a quick look at EBAY but prices there are ridiculously priced. So I figured asking you guys was the next best thing.
Are Nintendo DS Games Still Worth Money?

Last edited 13/03/2021 - 17:50
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- 25Yes
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- 0What is a DS and can I buy one cheap?
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Check completed (not sold) listings on eBay for a rough figure.
I sold pokemon white 2 for $130 last year on ebay.
That's when I bought my copy as well!
Some are? Mostly the well known ones like Pokemon or Final fantasy which sounds like you have. Most of the rest for many are seen as trash though.
In saying that, as you said theres a lot of ridiculously priced ones. I feel like you can get Pokemon DS games for a good price online if you wait and places like gumtree/facebookmarketplace. But it still might be worth putting it up somewhere and and you get that person who just wants it now and willing to pay the extra. Bonus points if you have box/manual.Yeah I would think so. Might be worth checking what EB Games, as an example, is selling them for in order to use as a ballpark figure.
But yeah Nintendo games tend to hold their value for quite a while, I imagine mainly because for proprietary titles you can only play with the one system.
send them to CeX
Yes, but with the Pokémon ones, there's a lot of fakes around. If yours are Aus or Eur labelled they'll be worth more than if they are US labelled because all the fakes are US labelled (not that all the US ones are fakes but buying a US one comes with the risk it is fake).
If you take an average of the last say ten instances of a game being sold on ebay (sold, not listed, and not just ended without being sold), and list it on gumtree or Facebook marketplace for 75% of that you should get a sale in a reasonable time.
What happens with the fake ones? Just doesn't work at all? Or works a bit more dodgy like?
They usually still work, have some extra weird things like saying "this game can be played" when you load your save. Might be more likely to glitch and lose your save but haven't seen anything definitively proven. Just no good to collectors. If you just want to play the game it is fine, and you shouldn't pay more than $5 a game, it is when people try to pass off fakes as genuine ones and try to ask $50 each it is a problem. For some reason the DS ones seem to be the most faked, maybe because it was so easy to make flashcarts for DS. I have seen fake Gameboy advance / color / original games but they are quite rare (a collector would actually be interested in obtaining them). I've never seen a fake 3DS or Switch game.
Pokemon games are still worth loads of money.
Nostalgia hit people hard during covid, a lot of stuff linked to 90's franchises seem to have gone up significantly in price.
A while back, I wanted to buy a digivice that I had as a kid (lets face it, no one gives a shit about digimon anymore). I was expecting them to go for ~$50, not 300+
It was nuts.
A couple of years back I bought a couple of boxes worth of PS2, PS3 and WII games from places like cash converters when they were dumping them for $1-2 each. Didn't have a lot of time so only tried a few…. Until covid hit. Got the chance to go through them. Hated most of them and went down to cex and they gave us heaps for it all. The missus is still spending the trade credit.
Japanese RPGs basically
Wow. You guys really came through for me. Thanks. I just sold 2 pokemon games and dragon quest 4 for nearly $300😱😱😱
Thanks mostly to silverrat23👍
A few I have just to make it easier for me to decide.
Pokemon Diamond
Pokemon White Version 2
Final Fantasy iv
Final fantasy Xii: Reverent Wings
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles x 2
Final Fantasy Tactics A2
The World Ends With You
Legend Of Zelda Spirit Tracks
Yugi-Oh GX
Yugi-Oh Nightmare Troubadour.